How to use django with an existing database (mysql)

Muinde J Kivai
3 min readOct 8, 2020


In this short tutorial, I’ll share with you how to connect Django to an existing MySQL database.

First , i would like you to know this is not meant for pure beginners, if you’ve used Django with sqlite before, were good to go.

Make sure you have mysqlclient installed, if not, run the commands below:

  • sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential (for debian) or sudo yum install python3-devel mysql-devel (for redhat or centos)
  • pip3 install mysqlclient

You can read more about mysqlclient on the official website here

Just a few steps.

  1. Create a django project in the usual way

django-admin startproject mysite

2. Move to the mysite directory using the command below

cd mysite

3. Create an app inside your project root directory, you can use either of the following commands:

django-admin startapp myapp


python3 startapp myapp

Note, i used python3 because that’s what’s installed on my pc

4. Edit the as follows:

  • add myapp to the installed apps
  • change the database parameters

Refer to the screenshots below:

add myapp to the installed apps
change database parameters

By default, django uses sqlite which uses django.db.backends.sqlite engine. I have replaced the engine with mysql engine as you can see in the screenshot above.

5. Test whether you can connect to your database using this command:

python3 dbshell

if you see any errors, just google the solution over the internet

6. Now add the database tables to your models. Many tutorials will be half baked, but be keen here, so be careful, but you’re safe here

Django comes with the inspectdb command which checks on the structure of your database and converts its into python code in your

python3 inspectdb >myapp/


python3 inspectdb > will not work

As you already know, is used to run all django related commands such as runserver, createsuperuser, makemigrations, migrate, inspectdb etc. each command plays a specific role.

The command inspectdb we used above maps the database structure to the file ‘’ which is located in the directory ‘myapp’. Remember, every django application exists in its own directory.

Now open your and see the magic that happened.


There are some notes in the comment section at the beginning of the file, do what the comment says

Instead of struggling to write your models, you can now simple design your database using workbench or on the browser via the phpmyadmin and just map it to your models

Enjoy your coding, see you next time.

