Resolve /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 264: kill: No such process

Muinde J Kivai
2 min readAug 9, 2019


Ubuntu is the best platform for software development as far as I know. you may be new to Ubuntu, or you may have used Ubuntu for quite sometime, but hell happens now and then. A friend busted at my door and asked how she could solve /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 264: kill: No such process error that showed up on her terminal and she couldn't load phpmyadmin.

The local server was running well as shown in the screenshot above, but the database server (Apache or mariadb) didn't. See screenshot below. In fact. access to the server is denied.

Reason for the denial?

chances are high that the mysql service is running, and usually, a service can not be started twice.


  1. check if the mysql service status

as you can see, the service is already running

2. stop the service using the command service mysql stop. you will be prompted to provide your password, just do it.

Type command to stop service
prompt to enter password
enter password and authenticate
the service is not stopped
confirm the service is stopped (not running)

Now all you need to do is start xampp normally using sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

As you can see, apache, mysql and ProFTPD are now running normally

thanks for visiting

enjoy your day

