What Does It Cost?

Kelechi Iwuaba
3 min readMar 15, 2023

This post is 604 words, about a 3 min read. Enjoy!

One of the best scenes in movie history (at least to me) is in Avengers End Game.

Thanos has just acquired the Soul Stone by sacrificing Gamora (Yes, I spoiled it get over it the movie has been out for how long?).

He is transported to another world and young Gamora asks him two questions.

In this scene, we get a very different view of Thanos. One that makes you almost feel sad for Thanos. For the first time in the entire Avenger series, we see a timid, unsure version of Thanos. Thanos questions himself about the road he is taking. Young Gamora personifies his consciousness something no one believes he has anymore. Gamora was the last and only thing he ever truly loved. With her gone, you can almost see the last ray of light in his heart being snuffed out in this scene as he answers the second question.

This is a powerful scene because it shows Thanos’ resolve. It also makes you realize just who the Avengers are up against.

But that second question young Gamora (Thanos’ consciousness) asks, “What did it cost?”

I believe this is the wrong question he is asking. By the time this question is asked, it is far too late. Thanos is far too gone. He no longer has an out. He has sealed his fate and now must lay in the bed he laid.

As powerful as this scene was, it really PISSED ME OFF. Because it was easy to see from the onset that what he was trying to do would cost much more than he would be willing to give. That the pain and suffering he had been dishing out was pointless but it was far too late.

The question that should have been asked is “What Does It Cost?”

This question should have been asked LONG before Thanos began his world-dominating campaign.

However, as much as we can be pissed at Thanos. We all do the exact same thing.

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?

-Luke 14:28

For a lot of us, we have dreams and expectations of life but we never take the time to think and ask ourselves:

  • What will this cost me?
  • What do I need to do to achieve this thing?
  • What will I need to sacrifice to accomplish said thing?

We just jump in with an over-optimistic mindset that things will just work out. Unfortunately, life is not that nice. This is why we have a ton of people who live with regret and always say things like, “If only I knew.”

Now for most things in life, it is essential we get started without full information but at some point, you have to review. Mistakes are inevitable but some mistakes are very avoidable. However, it takes us as Blaise Pascal says “Sitting in a room alone with our thoughts.”

It takes us thinking about possible problems, and roadblocks and then coming up with plans that can be guidelines and safeguards to keep us on the right path.

There’s nothing wrong with having high expectations or massive dreams but a dream without a plan is just a fantasy.

So the next time you come up with a dream or expectation of what you want out of life. Take a second and also ask the question:

What Does It Cost?

Recommended Reads

Barry Ritholtz, from The Big Picture, “How Much Money Buys Happiness?”

