WhatsApp Introduces an Email Address Feature for iOS Users: A Closer Look at How It Works

1 min readNov 21, 2023


How It Works:

1. Linking Email Address:

iOS clients can now impart their email regions to their WhatsApp accounts. This part is optional, giving clients the adaptability to pick whether they need to add an extra layer of safety.

2. Account Recovery:

The fundamental job of accomplice an email address with WhatsApp is to work with account recovery. If clients fail to remember their secret word or face issues getting to their accounts, they can recover
it using the associated email address.

3. Two-Step Verification:

WhatsApp proposes enabling two-step verification for added security. Clients can set up a six-digit PIN, which will be expected while affirming the telephone number related to the WhatsApp account. This PIN adds an extra layer of assurance, preventing unapproved access.

4. Notification for Email Change:

To further develop security, WhatsApp will inform clients whenever there is a change to the associated email address. This ensures that clients are familiar with any adjustments to their account information, reducing the likelihood of unapproved changes.

Read the complete article: https://www.thedollararticle.online/2023/11/Linking-Email-Address-WhatsApp-Introduces-Feature-for-iOS-Users.html

