Desires to be…

1 min readMar 31, 2024


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Desires to be found out, to know thy self, to burn and shine the brightest hues, to break out the incaging cyst, to be visible and seen, accepted and celebrated.

And the desire to love someone so profoundly as to find ourselves within their eyes. A million more desires waiting to be cherished.

The celebration of Life is all about finding out what’s within us, ‘in the very core of us’, we feel a thousand suns and want to be acknowledged for what we think and feel.

Ironically at the end, at some shore, we desire to be INVISIBLE for once and all, to shout out so loud that all the gods could hear us, utter the feelings so vulnerable that even our core doesn’t want to acknowledge or celebrate.

It’s when we feel so TINY in this world full of people, that we desire to be FREE, free from the burden of being our very own self, and want to get buried inside the Earth’s core. The desire is transient as the colours of the world embrace us to be us, enforced to be identified as an individual ready to conquer the world, the brave, the resilient and the witty one.




Just another soul hustling for freedom. We bond ourself with of a ton of morals, beliefs and self-doubt. It's not the world holding us but we ourselves. MAGIC