What Makes Smart Advertising “Smart?”

Smart Advertising Just Raised Its I.Q.

Katrina LaShelle Jefferson
4 min readSep 25, 2018


There’s a buzz word in tech that’s got everyone describing things more “intelligently” (pun intended). It’s the word Smart. Smart technology. Smart homes. Smart cars. In general, we understand that it’s used as an adjective to amplify the noun to follow, but we think it’s time to get a better grasp on the concept. What exactly are we talking about when we use “Smart” to describe technology or advertising?

Well here’s an example. Advrtas produces immersive smart ads. From our product’s inception till now, we have learned so much about Artificial Intelligence as the driver for Immersive Ad Technology, why the benefits of consumer engagement are important, and how “Smart” data (a combination of standard and new data points for ad units) can be analyzed to strengthen a brand’s campaign. We also use AI to self optimize digital ads — extending total time spent with a brand! How’s that for “smart” ?!?!

We’ve recognized that there are a few general characteristics that make smart ads “smart.” The net-net of these characteristics are that smart ads are ads that drive intelligent advertising through the entire sales funnel. Here’s a snapshot of how this works:

Smart Advertising starts with awareness

As we stated previously, Immersive Smart Ads are uniquely suited for lifting engagement. This is because upon ad load, the consumer has the opportunity to respond to the unit differently than a static (traditional) rich media display ad or video. With traditional display ads, the consumer is likely to ignore the ad, fearing it will be click bait. When it comes to video, the consumer can only passively sit and watch the ad “move” without directly interacting with it, and what’s worse, they’re usually forced to do so.

By contrast, with a smart ad the consumer is actively engaged with a brand by choice. They are able to have more fun and interact with ads in unique ways such as through device motion, which triggers engagement and helps with awareness and overall interactivity. Also, by responding to device motion Immersive Smart Ads beat ad blindness and allow the consumer to engage with the brand without clicking.

Smart Ads inspire interactivity

Once consumers are engaged, Smart Ads can inspire exploration into even more branded content! A viewer’s engagement combined with interactivity undoubtedlyequals interest. Key ad enhancements at this stage of the sales funnel that are used to continue engagement, could be hotspot exploration, rollovers, animations, gamified plus ups, VR viewing mode promotion, or multiple scenes and panels within the unit. All can be used to poll interest in different products, services, or campaigns, giving the user the opportunity to customize their interests before clicking to a destination URL.

Smart Ads can drive performance

Conducting Message Testing, Filtering and Segmentation are all ways to keep consumers interacting with your brand. Although Immersive Smart Ads are ideal for driving engagement, certain designs can be used to drive performance. The cube design, for example, places the viewer inside a box with each side featuring different messages — or 6 ads in one. Each side of the cube can click out to a different URL, feature a different retargeting pixel, and be used for the testing of multiple messages or offers. Other executions can include surveys or product testing.

Smart advertising is essentially the combination of 3 key pieces of technology: immersive media, device motion and AI. The trio works together to trigger and sustain engagement helping to move the consumer all the way through the entire sales funnel. Whether it starts with a digital immersive ad unit that grabs attention with engaging creative and responds to the movement of a device or drives the user to an experiential pop up shop or a special promotion page, conversions are the name of smart advertising’s game.



Katrina LaShelle Jefferson

Head of PR and Social Communications for Advrtas, an AI powered Immersive Smart Ad Tech Company in Los Angeles, CA.