Spark Your Happiness

Johnbritto Kurusumuthu
2 min readFeb 13, 2024

“Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you, just as you have said.”

Amos 5:14

Amos, an ancient prophet, shared a powerful message: “Choose good, not evil, so you can live with God by your side.” This verse isn’t about doing what’s right; it’s about finding true happiness in life.

Today, let’s explore what it means to make good choices and how it can change our lives and the world.

Making the Right Choice

Amos tells us to pick good over evil. It means doing things that help others and bring happiness, not harm. The Bible teaches us this idea too. For example, Proverbs 11:3 says that being honest and good leads to a better life.

Living a Meaningful Life

Choosing good isn’t about staying alive; it’s about finding joy and purpose. Viktor Frankl, who survived the Holocaust, wrote about this in “Man’s Search for Meaning.” He said that even in tough times, finding meaning makes life worthwhile. When we help others and make a difference, our lives become richer.

Putting Goodness into Action

How can we follow Amos’s advice? Start small:

Be kind: Smile, help others and listen. These little things make a big difference.

Stand up for what’s right: Speak out against unfairness and help those who need it.

Forgive others: Let go of anger and forgive people who hurt you. It brings peace to your heart.

Show compassion: Understand others and help them when they need it. It brings people closer together.

Remember, doing good is a journey. There will be challenges, but every kind of act makes the world better.

More Ideas to Explore

Read more from the Bible: Proverbs, Micah, and Matthew 25:31–46.

Check out books like “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin and “Radical Compassion” by Tara Brach.

Let’s all learn from Amos’s message. Let’s choose good, live with purpose, and make the world a kinder place. It all starts with one good deed, one brave choice, and one step toward a meaningful life.

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Johnbritto Kurusumuthu

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