Indian Muslims and their love for the Taliban

3 min readAug 17, 2021


From future doctors, teachers to 9 to 6 workers and maybe your next-door neighbour

tho not everyone is bad

So let’s start with the latest pew research report which said 74% of Indian Muslims support sharia

74% is a huge number it is not far from Afghanistan where 99% of Afghans want Sharia law, and 43% agree with the Taliban’s interpretation of Sharia

Now let’s come back to the Indian scenario which we are seeing on social media imagine that what will be the scale of it in normal life

Future Doctors

A strong group of 8000 online followers and there could be more following in offline tho we aren’t saying all are bad but the majority seems to as they have no problem what is posted, it is the same as 3 nazis is sitting with another 1 person and he doesn’t have any problem with them then he is a nazi too

Imagine what kind of treatment will they give to their patients who are from other religions who they think is kuffar a catastrophe and a human tragedy in making

IIn Afghanistan Taliban which these doctors are praising used to persecute kuffars rape kills them used as sex slaves no need to look far even look at Kashmir how hindus were driven out

The Taliban (/ˈtælɪbæn, ˈtɑːlɪbɑːn/; Pashto: طالبان‎, romanized: ṭālibān, lit. ‘students’ or ‘seekers’), which refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), is a Deobandi Islamist movement and military organization in Afghanistan, currently waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within the country.

It all started from Deoband even there is a town named Deobandi in Uttar Pradesh which is the main hub and founding stone of this movement

Another where indian muslims are openly calling for talibanisation of india

There are thousand more posts supporting online imagine how much would be the support from them to the taliban

