First 90 days, workplace hacks!

Krishna Kumar
3 min readFeb 10, 2017


When I got a call from XIME – Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Kochi, on addressing students who have got placed in reputed organisations and some of them joining for internships, what could be the best workplace hacks in for them, especially the first 90 days! From my experience of working with 400+ organisations in hiring and on-boarding some 10,000 people in last ten years, I gathered some ideas, observations and insights of what make some successful irrespective of talent, skill or exposure. These are some!

Your manager

Make your boss a hero

Make them feel like a hero

Teach him digital hacks – do reverse mentoring

Help him

Many elderly people feel left out of by youngsters

When they speak listen carefully, take notes if possible

Quickly send a recap of the meeting if it is important

Connect him to some contacts of yours – give him disclaimer of who they are.

Ask him advice / opinion

Don’t ask him now what to do – even he doesn’t know

How is your manager’s success measured ? Always ask this question. And help contribute towards that.

Your colleagues

Understand how their success is measured

Understand who wastes your time

Who are the politicians much in advance

Company history

Understand history of the company – it will be useful sometimes, and it would make you feel like you have been there for long.

This is not to judge the company, but to understand the context.

Big picture of your company

Understand the big picture, even if your job is entry level

How your job helps your company to make money

Track your work / time spent on each task and do self appraisal

Your work

Projectise your work

Slice it into projects

Event – content – meeting – call – delivery of a project

Make it achievable and show it

How to show your work

Visualise your work with data

Quantify it

Talk numbers

Analyse numbers – give good news more often

If you know excel – you are excellent!

Showing up

Come ten minutes early to office

Have a quick chat with people

Dress professionally

Groom well


Don’t give so much personal information to colleagues

Don’t discuss politics, religion and sensitive topics

Try movies, sports or general affairs – mobile apps etc

Social media

Social media

Share news about company

Tell people work is awesome

Employers do a sneak peek of your social media

LinkedIn Facebook twitter blog etc

Mobile phone

Restrict it to intervals

Don’t be very frequent in Whatsapp messaging of even in company groups

Don’t always make them feel you are glued on to your mobile


Tell them you are taking a course during evening hours on a critical skill using udemy or any online learning platform like Coursera – create a sense of anticipation Tell them we are always on a work in progress mode – never be stagnant New tools Surprise them with new tools to make work easier – slack or some collaboration tools Content

If you can write content, help your company create good social media or blog content or videos. You will be a hero instantly.

Be humble

When you do lot of stuff, others will be jealous of you. Be humble and offer help.


For any good effort to gain traction, it will take time, so be patient. Persistence always pays off.


This is the fuel for learning, show that, be enthusiastic.

Use your young energy to your advantage – as a youngster, you are naturally attractive.




Krishna Kumar

Writer and Philosopher | CEO of | Generative AI | Digital Leadership | Leadership Accelerator | Strategic Coaching | Transformational Speaking