Alpha Brain Review: Does It Help Support Memory & Focus?

9 min readOct 23, 2023


Alpha Brain Nootropic Supplement

Alpha Brain is a renowned nootropic supplement, a product of Onnit, an Austin, Texas-based supplement manufacturer. This product, popularly advertised by UFC commentator and ex-Fear Factor host Joe Rogan — also a shareholder in Onnit — purports to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, sharpen word recall, and promote focus without relying on caffeine or other stimulants.

But are these claims well-founded, or merely marketing hyperbole? Does Alpha Brain truly contain effective doses of its active ingredients, or is it short on the promise? What are the experiences of actual users of Alpha Brain? And how does the company substantiate their claims?

This article seeks to uncover the truth behind Alpha Brain’s lofty assertions. We dissect its ingredients according to scientific studies to ascertain if the supplement truly holds the potential to bolster cognitive function, or if it’s simply an expensive placebo.

We raise questions about some of the health claims made by the manufacturer and present genuine, impartial reviews from Alpha Brain users. Considering the numerous active ingredients in this supplement, we will divide our ingredient analysis into two sections: Vitamins & Minerals and Herbal Ingredients.

Alpha Brain Ingredients

Examining Alpha Brain’s composition, it’s clear that the supplement is loaded with a variety of active ingredients, each offering unique benefits. Each serving contains Vitamin B6, Onnit Flow Blend™, Cat’s Claw Extract, Onnit Focus Blend™, and Onnit Fuel Blend™, among others.

Vitamin B6 is vital for mood regulation and cognitive function, and the supplement furnishes it at a dose of 10mg, which is within the safe and effective daily intake. The Onnit Flow Blend™ is a proprietary mix of L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, Oat (straw) Extract, and Phosphatidylserine, compounds known for their stress-relieving and cognitive-enhancing properties.

Moreover, the Onnit Focus Blend™ combines L-Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha GPC), Bacopa Extract, and Toothed Clubmoss Extract, which are documented for their cognitive and memory enhancement abilities. Lastly, the Onnit Fuel Blend™ offers L-Leucine and Pterostilbene, two compounds with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It’s important to note that while these ingredients offer potential cognitive benefits, incorrect dosing can lead to adverse effects. For instance, excessive intake of Vitamin B6 may result in neurological issues, and high doses of L-Tyrosine could cause digestive disturbances. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to the recommended dosages.

On the other hand, lower doses of these ingredients may diminish their efficacy. For example, a low dose of L-Tyrosine might reduce its cognitive-enhancing effects under stress, while an insufficient amount of Bacopa Extract may lead to diminished memory-enhancing and neuroprotective effects.

However, one must always bear in mind that the supplement’s effectiveness will vary based on individual circumstances and overall health, and it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Alpha Brain Supplement Facts

Shop Now And Get Alpha Brain At The Best Price!

Real Customer Reviews

It is a genuine feeling when one finds himself in a dilemma while skimming through various alternatives for the same product. In such cases, customer reviews come as valuable insight.

While going through and the company’s official website, we came across a few reviews from genuine customers who have shared their experiences about using Alpha Brain. We have also gone on to illustrate and simplify their thoughts for a better understanding.

Real Customer Review

Matt Wallbaum, an IT Director, has been astounded by the improvement he’s experienced since starting to use Alpha Brain. Unlike his prior skepticism towards such products, this supplement has made a significant impact on his cognitive performance and overall well-being. He notes not only an enhancement in memory and recall but also an unexpected help in decision-making and anxiety reduction. More importantly, he feels his brain working faster, leading to more productivity and efficiency at work and home, even when managing hundreds of accounts and dozens of programs, and tackling daily crises. Matt’s experience with this supplement has been overwhelmingly positive, leading him to highly recommend it. He acknowledges, however, that individual responses may vary.

Here’s another review from a genuine customer-

Real Customer Review

Yuliya Goldenberg has found a remarkable solution for her chronic anemia-related fatigue with the aid of AB. Unlike other energy-enhancing products she tried previously, AB consistently delivers steady energy throughout the day, sometimes even resulting in sporadic euphoric moments. An interesting observation she made was the intensification of these effects after she started her second bottle, suggesting that the product’s benefits might accumulate over time. However, she advises new users to start with a lower dosage to avoid overstimulation, as she experienced when accidentally doubling the dosage one day. While Yuliya has not noted any significant improvements in her focus or concentration, the transformative boost to her daily energy levels has left her highly satisfied with AB.

YouTube Reviews

YouTube is another lucrative platform where genuine customers share their reviews via video. This instates a sense of faith and believability and urges customers to trust the product. I bring to you a video testament by a popular YouTuber who shares his experience in this detailed video. You can refer to the video using the link here-

YouTube Review

In the realm of health supplements, Alpha Brain stands out due to its unique blend of ingredients and claimed benefits. Often touted by Joe Rogan on his podcast, Alpha Brain intrigued Pete enough to conduct a personal experiment. This supplement, which promises improved verbal memory and enhanced executive functions, is reportedly backed by scientific studies including double-blind placebo tests. Pete’s initial skepticism was put to the test as he embarked on a journey to find out if Alpha Brain genuinely works.

Alpha Brain is a comprehensive nootropic supplement from Onnit, which boasts a proprietary focus blend that optimizes neural communication and enhances Alpha Brainwave production. In layman’s terms, it improves short-term memory and allows for more engaging conversations. Pete put these claims to the test, conducting memory and verbal communication exercises before and after consumption of Alpha Brain.

Purchasing the supplement proved challenging in the UK. Pete managed to secure a jar of 30 capsules for 42 pounds from iHerb. However, it’s recommended to take two capsules per dosage, meaning the jar would last for merely 15 days.

The capsules are said to kick in within one to two hours, offering optimized neural communication. Pete found no significant difference in his verbal communication skills after filming a YouTube video, but he did finish filming five minutes earlier than usual.

Repeating the memory test post-consumption, Pete noticed a 20% improvement in memory and cognitive function. This result, though influenced by the fact that repeating a test generally leads to improved scores, suggested that Alpha Brain might not be as gimmicky as originally thought.

Pete’s final verdict? Alpha Brain does seem to work, although not to the monumental scale Joe Rogan often discusses. It is pricey, with the cost equating to over 42 pounds for a 15-day supply. However, if you are looking for a cognitive boost and have some extra money to spend, Alpha Brain might be worth a try.

Potential Side Effects

Although Alpha Brain can be an effective solution to your metabolism-related worries, however, it must be noted that a lot of the users have reportedly observed mild side effects of the pills. Hence it becomes imperative to discuss them in this review.

  1. Neurological Issues: Excessive intake of Vitamin B6, an ingredient in Alpha Brain, may result in neurological issues.
  2. Digestive Disturbances: High doses of L-Tyrosine, another component of Alpha Brain, could potentially lead to digestive disturbances.
  3. Overstimulation: Particularly for new users, starting with a high dosage of Alpha Brain can result in overstimulation, as noted in Yuliya Goldenberg’s review.

Pros & Cons


  1. Cognitive Enhancement: Active ingredients such as L-Tyrosine, L-Theanine, and Bacopa Extract are known to enhance cognitive function and improve memory.
  2. Mood Regulation: The inclusion of Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in mood regulation.
  3. Stress Relief: Certain compounds in the Onnit Flow Blend™ offer stress-relieving properties.
  4. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Ingredients like L-Leucine and Pterostilbene in the Onnit Fuel Blend™ provide potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  5. Positive Customer Reviews: According to Alpha Brain reviews, many users report improvements in memory, focus, and overall cognitive performance.


  1. Adverse Effects: Incorrect dosing of ingredients can potentially lead to side effects such as neurological issues and digestive disturbances.
  2. High Cost: Alpha Brain is relatively expensive, with a 15-day supply costing over 42 pounds.
  3. Varied Effectiveness: The effectiveness of the supplement varies greatly among individuals and depends on personal health circumstances.
  4. Potential Overstimulation: Some users have experienced overstimulation, especially when starting with a high dosage.
  5. Lack of Immediate Effects: Some users, such as Pete, did not notice significant enhancements in their cognitive abilities immediately after taking the supplement.


Here’s a list of some FAQs that might be of some assistance to you:

Q1. Does Alpha Brain work?

A: Alpha Brain is designed to boost cognitive functions such as memory, mental speed, and focus. Many users have reported noticeable improvements, but as with all supplements, the effects can vary from person to person based on a variety of factors.

Q2. Is Alpha Brain legit?

A: Yes, Alpha Brain is a legit nootropic supplement produced by Onnit Labs. It contains clinically researched ingredients designed to support cognitive functions.

Q3. Is Alpha Brain safe?

A: Alpha Brain is generally considered safe for use. Its formulation consists of natural, earth-grown nutrients and ingredients, but as always, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.

Q4. How long does Alpha Brain last?

A: The effects of Alpha Brain typically last for several hours, with peak performance approximately 1–2 hours after taking the supplement.

Q5. How long does Alpha Brain take to work?

A: Alpha Brain starts working shortly after ingestion, with many users reporting an increase in focus and mental clarity within 30 minutes to an hour.

Q6. What does Alpha Brain do?

A: Alpha Brain works by stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain, enhancing cognitive functions such as memory, mental speed, and focus.

Q7. Is Alpha Brain worth it?

A: Whether Alpha Brain is worth it or not can vary from person to person. It has been positively reviewed by many users for its cognitive-enhancing effects. However, individual needs and results may vary.

Q8. When to take Alpha Brain?

A: The recommended usage for Alpha Brain is to take two capsules in the morning or early afternoon, preferably with a light meal.

Q9. Is Alpha Brain FDA approved?

A: As a dietary supplement, Alpha Brain is not required to be FDA-approved. However, it is manufactured in a facility that is GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified, which are guidelines recommended by agencies that control authorization and licensing for manufacture and sale of food, drug products, and active pharmaceutical products.


In conclusion, Alpha Brain emerges as a reputable nootropic supplement designed to enhance cognition, memory, and focus, underpinned by a host of beneficial ingredients. The product has a broad user base, with numerous positive reviews underscoring its potential efficacy. However, like any supplement, individual responses vary significantly, and while some users report marked improvements, others perceive more subtle effects.

Moreover, certain concerns warrant caution, such as potential side effects from incorrect dosing and the relatively high cost of the product. Therefore, prospective users should approach Alpha Brain with a balanced perspective, taking into account both the promising advantages and potential drawbacks. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.

Ultimately, Alpha Brain’s value hinges on personal health circumstances, needs, and responses to the supplement. So, while it may not be a miracle pill for everyone, it is certainly worth considering and monitoring as part of a holistic approach to cognitive enhancement.

Overall, Alpha Brain offers a compelling blend of informative research and persuasive claims, backed by a strong reputation in the nootropic market. As such, it remains a top contender for those seeking safe and effective cognitive support.

You Can Buy Alpha Brain from its Official Website!

