Installing Lisp Flavored Erlang On Linux

Daniel J.
1 min readMar 5, 2024



Today, I am going to share with you how to install Lisp Flavored Erlang on Linux.

First, install rebar3:

guix install rebar3 # or use your distro's package manager

Then, add the lfe plugin to asdf (which I am assuming you have installed from using Elixir — if not, you will need to install that, followed by installing an Erlang/OTP version with it. Note: This is not the Common Lisp asdf. See for more info.):

asdf plugin-add lfe

Then, install lfe using asdf:

asdf install lfe 2.1.4

Once that’s done, set v2.1.4 as your global lfe:

asdf global lfe 2.1.4

Finally, add the following to your ~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config

{plugins, [
{rebar3_lfe, “0.4.10”}

And install rebar3_lfe:

rebar3 plugins list

(Optional) Emacs Integration

I use Spacemacs, so I added lfe-mode to dotspacemacs-additional-packages.

Edit: If you’d like to see an example of how to use LFE from within Elixir, check out the following repository, created by John Goff, who uses LFE to create a Plug:

That’s it! Hope you enjoyed it!

