Data Processing Architecture On Microsoft Azure

Karunakar Kotha
9 min readJul 19, 2023


Choosing Between Kappa and Lambda Architecture

During my tenure as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, I had the privilege of engaging with a diverse range of clients spanning various domains. one sought my expertise in crafting an architecture design for efficient Data Processing.

A critical aspect of this endeavor was elucidating the significance of Data Processing Architectures, particularly Lambda and Kappa, and guiding customers in selecting the most appropriate architecture that aligns optimally with their distinct business needs.

Here is a brief explanation of each architecture:

  • Lambda architecture: The Lambda architecture is a two-layer architecture that separates real-time processing from batch processing.
  • Kappa architecture: The Kappa architecture is a single-layer architecture that combines real-time and batch processing.

Now, let us delve into the exploration of Lambda Architecture.

Lambda architecture is a popular data processing architecture that uses two separate systems to process data: a real-time stream processing system and a batch processing system. This architecture has the advantage of being able to handle both real-time and historical data, but it can be complex to set up and maintain.

This approach to architecture attempts to balance latency, throughput, and fault-tolerance by using batch processing to provide comprehensive and accurate views of batch data, while simultaneously using real-time stream processing to provide views of online data. The two view outputs may be joined before presentation. The rise of lambda architecture is correlated with the growth of big data, real-time analytics.

Lambda Architecture with Azure Databricks:

  • There are two processing pipelines in Lambda Architecture, the one is Stream Processing (it is called Hot Path) and another one is Batch Processing (it is called Cold Path).
  • The “Hot Path” shows the Azure IoT Hub as a cloud gateway for IoT data being streamed from various devices.
  • The streamed data can be further processed using Azure Databricks through Azure Event Hub where Databricks notebooks can be used to process the data and store it in the data lake.
  • The streaming pipeline can apply machine learning algorithms through Azure Databricks and the calculation should be in real-time or near real-time so you may have restrictions on types of calculation you can do here. The result of these calculations along with original streamed data can be posted to the Azure Service bus topic so that various analytics clients can consume this streamed result.
  • The data storage proposed for all types of raw, processed, and transformed data is Azure Data Lake Store Gen2.
  • The “Cold Path” shows the Azure Data Factory to ingest data in Data Lake, so Azure Databricks can process this data in Batch along with streamed data from a hot path.
  • The batch-processed data should be stored in some kind of massively parallel processing engine with query capabilities so the proposed solution here is the Azure Synapse. Once processed data is available in Azure Synapse, various analytics clients can consume it for business applications. The Azure Synapse is an analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics, it gives the freedom to query data using either serverless on-demand or provisioned resources


  1. Flexibility: Lambda architecture allows organizations to handle both batch and real-time data processing efficiently. It can handle various data processing requirements and is adaptable to changing needs.
  2. Scalability: The architecture can scale horizontally to handle large volumes of data and high processing loads, making it suitable for big data applications.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Lambda architecture is resilient to failures in individual components. If one part of the system fails, data can still be processed through the alternative path.
  4. Extensibility: It allows the incorporation of new data sources and processing components without disrupting the existing system.
  5. Real-Time Insights: Real-time processing provides immediate insights and analytics on streaming data, enabling businesses to make quick decisions based on up-to-date information.
  6. Accurate Historical Data: The batch layer ensures that all data is stored and processed, allowing for accurate historical analysis and reporting.
  7. Consistency: The architecture ensures that both batch and real-time views of data are consistent, providing a comprehensive and unified view of the data.


  1. Complexity: Lambda architecture introduces additional complexity due to the need to manage both batch and real-time processing components, increasing the overall system complexity.
  2. Data Duplication: The architecture requires maintaining separate storage and processing for batch and real-time layers, leading to data duplication and increased storage costs.
  3. Latency in Batch Processing: Batch processing may introduce delays in data availability, as it typically processes data in periodic intervals.
  4. Data Consistency Challenges: Ensuring data consistency between the batch and real-time layers can be challenging and may require careful synchronization mechanisms.
  5. Maintenance Overhead: Managing and maintaining multiple layers of data processing can be resource-intensive, requiring skilled engineering and operational teams.
  6. Debugging and Testing Complexity: Debugging issues in a multi-layered architecture can be more complex, as there are more moving parts and dependencies.
  7. Cost Considerations: Running both real-time and batch processing components can increase infrastructure and operational costs.

Lambda architecture is a powerful approach for handling large-scale and real-time data processing tasks, but it may not be the best fit for all use cases. As with any architectural choice, the decision to adopt a Lambda architecture should be based on the specific requirements, complexity, and scalability needs of the project or organization.

Kappa architecture : A data processing architecture that is designed to provide a scalable, fault-tolerant, and flexible system for processing large amounts of data in real time. It was developed as an alternative to Lambda architecture, it uses two separate data processing systems to handle different types of data processing workloads.

In contrast to Lambda, Kappa architecture uses a single data processing system to handle both batch processing and stream processing workloads, as it treats everything as streams. This allows it to provide a more streamlined and simplified data processing pipeline while still providing fast and reliable access to query results.

Kappa Architecture with Azure Databricks:

  • As you can see in the above diagram, the ingestion layer is unified and being processed by Azure Databricks.
  • To support queryable and aggregation of data, there needs to be a special type of storage and for this another open source technology comes to rescue — the Delta Lake.
  • Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID transactions to Apache Spark™ and big data workloads. It is specifically more suitable for Databricks because you can create Delta Lake tables against the Databricks File System (DBFS).
  • The DBFS can mount Azure storage like Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage.
  • Delta Lake on Databricks provides configuration capabilities to design Delta Lake based on workload patterns and provides optimized layouts and indexes for fast interactive queries.
  • With Delta Lake capabilities, data can be processed using various Databricks notebooks and the processed result can be stored in various tables as a thin layer on top of the Data Lake.
  • The data from Delta Lake tables can be queried using various clients with near-realtime and in batches as a unified pipeline.
  • This unified approach brings less complexity by avoiding data management and multiple storage systems. The main advantage here is that queries can be performed on streaming and historical data at the same time.


  • Simplicity: Kappa architecture is a simpler architecture than Lambda architecture, as it does not require a separate batch layer. This can make it easier to set up and maintain.
  • Scalability: Kappa architecture is scalable, as it can handle both real-time and batch data processing. This makes it a good choice for businesses that need to process large amounts of data.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Kappa architecture can be cost-effective, as it can use a single data processing system to handle both real-time and batch data processing. This can help to reduce the cost of infrastructure.


  • Data latency: Kappa architecture can have higher data latency than Lambda architecture, as the data must be processed through a single data processing system. This can be a problem for businesses that need to process data in real time.
  • Complexity: Kappa architecture can be more complex to implement than Lambda architecture, as it requires a single data processing system that can handle both real-time and batch data processing. This can make it more difficult to set up and maintain.
  • Data consistency: Kappa architecture can have data consistency issues, as the data is processed through a single data processing system. This can be a problem for businesses that need to ensure that their data is always consistent.

Use Cases :

Real-Time Analytics in E-commerce:

  • Lambda architecture can be used to process real-time data from online shoppers and perform real-time analytics to optimize product recommendations, pricing, and inventory management. Batch processing can be employed for historical analysis of sales trends and customer behavior.
  • Kappa architecture is suitable for real-time tracking of user interactions and actions on an e-commerce platform, allowing immediate response to user behavior, such as showing personalized product suggestions or promotions.

Social Media Monitoring

  • Lambda architecture can handle real-time streaming of social media data, allowing real-time analysis of trending topics, sentiment analysis, and user engagement. Batch processing can be utilized to analyze historical data and identify long-term trends.
  • Kappa architecture is well-suited for real-time processing of social media data, enabling immediate detection of viral content, monitoring of brand mentions, and sentiment analysis as new data arrives.

IoT Data Processing:

  • Lambda architecture can ingest and process real-time data from various IoT sensors deployed across a smart city for monitoring traffic, air quality, and waste management. Batch processing can analyze historical data for long-term planning and resource optimization.
  • Kappa architecture is ideal for real-time processing of sensor data from IoT devices in smart cities, enabling real-time alerts and responses to critical events, such as traffic congestions or environmental hazards.

Real-Time Fraud Detection in Finance

  • Lambda architecture can process real-time financial transactions, flagging potentially fraudulent activities in real-time, while batch processing can be utilized for deeper analysis and pattern recognition to improve fraud detection models.
  • Kappa architecture excels in real-time fraud detection systems where immediate actions are required based on incoming transaction data, allowing financial institutions to detect and respond to fraud attempts in real-time.

Real-Time Monitoring of Network Logs:

  • Lambda architecture can ingest real-time network logs to identify potential security threats in real-time, while batch processing can be used for analyzing network traffic patterns over time to detect anomalies.
  • Kappa architecture is suitable for real-time monitoring of network logs, enabling immediate response to security breaches, anomalous network behavior, and other real-time events without the need for batch processing.

Real-Time Sensor Data Analysis in Industry:

  • Lambda architecture can process real-time data from sensors in industrial automation systems, allowing real-time monitoring of machinery health and detecting potential failures in real-time. Batch processing can be employed for long-term performance analysis and predictive maintenance.
  • Kappa architecture is well-suited for real-time sensor data analysis in industries, enabling continuous monitoring of machinery and immediate response to anomalies or critical conditions to minimize downtime and optimize maintenance schedules.Overall, Kappa architecture is a good choice for businesses that need to process large amounts of data and want to simplify their data processing architecture. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of Kappa architecture before implementing it.

If you’re looking for a data processing architecture that is simple to set up and maintain, then Kappa architecture is a good option. However, if you need to store historical data or perform complex aggregations, then Lambda architecture may be a better choice.

Here are some other factors that customers should consider when choosing between Kappa and Lambda architecture:

  • The size and complexity of the data set. If the data set is large and complex, then Lambda architecture may be a better choice because it can handle both real-time and historical data.
  • The cost of the architecture. Kappa architecture is typically less expensive to set up and maintain than Lambda architecture.
  • The timeline for the project. If the project needs to be completed quickly, then Kappa architecture may be a better choice because it is simpler to implement.

I hope this post has given you some insights into the benefits of Kappa and Lambda architecture . If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.Ultimately, the best way to choose between Kappa and Lambda architecture is to consider the specific needs of your business needs.

Thanks for reading!


