elm Insights

Farewell to Backticks, Hello Pipeline!

5 min readNov 22, 2016

Articles about the elm programming language and other stuff

elm Insights

Well, folks the new release of elm version 0.18 is out!

I thought I would keep this edition short and sweet, given the epic novel length of my last writeup!

Backticks are out and the Pipeline Pattern (Pipe-lining) is fast becoming the defacto method to chain functions together to form easy to read, easy to refactor and easy to maintain code. I first learned the Pipeline Pattern using R (introduced by Hadley Wickham) which made code extremely easy to read. I look forward to seeing this pattern adopted across the elm and elm community packages.

The Json Decode Pipeline API as you may remember from my previous article had Pipe-lining baked into it right from the start. This API was initially released earlier this year by NoRedInk. This library was created to make it easy to build decoders using the forward Pipe Operator, (|>).

elm version 0.18 extends this pattern to the andThenfunction found in each of the Elm Core Library modules Decoder, Generator, Maybe, Result, and Task. Many of the Elm-Community Packages and other 3rd Party Packages have also followed suit. We will definitely, see this Pattern permeate throughout.

Farewell Backticks

Folks might be wondering, why this change?

Well, for elm version 0.18, the consensus appears to have been removing the the Backticks as an infix operator, in favor of Pipe-lining via the Pipe Operator because Backticks were redundant with the Pipe Operator, easily confused with single quotes depending on specific font used , and not as user friendly or popular as Pipe-lining (many languages nowadays support Pipe-lining).

andThen & Task.onError

The functions affected are the andThenfunctions and the Task.onError function, but in order to do so, the function’s argument order from elm version 0.17 had to be changed in elm version 0.18, since the andThen function and most functions supporting Backticks, `f`, were written with the first operation to be initiated in the first argument position and the callback in the second position in line with the natural order of their use and specifically, with andThen, in keeping with its namesake.

Below we compare a generic Backtick Operator supported function in elm version 0.17 to a generic Pipeline-friendly function in elm version 0.18 to understand what has exactly changed. Then we show how to roll our own for functions that do not support Pipe-lining.

Legendf: a -> ( a  ->  b ) -> c         -- elm version 0.17first_fx = result
second_fx = callback

elm version 0.17

first_fx second_fx -- normal function order
first_fx `f` second_fx -- Backticks infix Operator

You could do the following in elm version 0.17, but this would not make much logical sense nor would it be easy to read if there were more than one pipe in the Pipeline.

|> andThen first_fx --elm 0.17 (makes no sense)

We can easily see that for functions which have their callback, or second operation as the second argument prevents the Pipe Operator from being used practically or sensibly.

Therefore, for elm version 0.18, andThenhad its arguments switched accordingly.

elm version 0.18

f:( a -> b) -> a -> c

f second_fx first_fx -- arguments order switched
|> f second_fx -- Pipeline Pattern (no Backticks)

It looks like there will be more functions which will support Pipe-lining.

Rolling Your Own Pipeline Friendly Function

In the meantime, if there are any functions that do not support Pipe-lining and you want to provide this feature you can always use the flip function to do so.

For example, in elm version 0.17, Result.andThen does not support Pipe-lining as discussed above. However if flip is used as shown below:

piped_andThen x y = 
flip Result.andThen x y

this new wrapped andThen for elm version 0.17, piped_andThen, now supports Pipe-lining as shown below:

toFloatnCheckBetweenZeroAnd100 str =
|> String.toInt str
|> piped_andThen (\x -> String.toFloat (toString x))
|> piped_andThen isFloatBetweenZeroAnd100

-- elm-repl Output:
-- Ok 240 : Result String Float

-- Note: This code snippet supports elm v0.17 not v0.18

where isFloatBetweenZeroAnd100 is

isFloatBetweenZeroAnd100: Float -> Result String Float
isFloatBetweenZeroAnd100 num =
if num >= 0.0 && num <= 100.0 then
Ok (num * 10)
Err “Not a number between 0.0 and 100.0”

We can see what flip does by just looking at its function annotation.

flip: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
Hello Pipeline!


All that changed was the order of arguments the actual body of the function definitions did not change nor need not change to support Pipe-lining.

So, we now have Pipe-lining straight out of the box for andThen and Task.onError, expect to see more functions support Pipe-lining down the road, in the meantime roll your own. If you want to kick the tires, with a Result.andThen example using elm version 0.18, you can grab the source from here.

Let me know what you think about Pipe-lining.

Do you like Pipe-lining? Or absolutely hate it?

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Links of Interest

Pipe-lining in R

Case for Removing Backtick in Python

elm version 0.18 upgrade docs: Backticks and andThen

andThen functions affected

Previous article: A Road to a Better Understanding: How the elm JSON API, Elm-Decode-Pipelineand Json.Decode API Work

example source code

