How to take care of orchids?

2 min readMar 2, 2022


Most of the orchids purchased at online flower shop in Hong Kong are in full bloom. After the orchid has bloomed, carefully, the orchid can bloom again and continue to grow. Orchids are excellent houseplants that can greatly enhance the taste of your living space. Orchids come from the rainforest, but they don’t really need a lot of water. In fact, one of the common mistakes that causes orchids to die is to over-water them. If the roots of the orchid are soaked in water for a long time and the container does not have proper drain holes, the orchid will wilt due to root rot. However, your orchids can easily grow healthy just by following the steps below!

1. Frequently inspect orchids

Orchids grow best in well-drained environments. It is best to choose a pot with a drain hole on the bottom so that excess water can be drained from the bottom. If the bottom of the orchid pot does not have a drain hole, you can make your own hole under the pot to prevent root rot. If your orchid is in a place with the right amount of sunlight, temperature, and balanced humidity, but it still doesn’t bloom for a long time, you may need to transfer the orchid to a larger pot.

2. Give the orchids the right amount of water

Growing your orchids well means setting aside a tight watering schedule! One way to check for watering is to stick your finger into the soil about 2.5 cm (1 inch) and water the orchids if the soil is dry. If it’s still wet, let it go. Remember to water the orchids at the roots, not the leaves or flowers, as the leaves and flowers are prone to rot with excess water.

Some florists recommend the next very easy way to water orchids: Sometimes purchased orchids are packed in plastic containers. Orchids can be placed directly in the pot with a plastic container. Add water to the pot when watering until the orchid roots are completely submerged. After soaking for 10 to 15 minutes, remove the orchid and plastic container, pour the remaining water into the pot, put the orchid and plastic container back in the pot, and you’re done!

Some florists recommend placing ice cubes directly between the orchid leaves and the soil twice a week. This is a smart way to water orchids.

3. Pay attention to the growth temperature of the orchid

Orchids like scattered light and grow best in environments with low air circulation at 16–24 degrees Celsius. Orchids are best stored in rooms or windows facing east or south, or in curtain-covered areas. Orchids will not bloom well if there is not enough light. But at the same time, too much direct sunlight can burn orchids and leaves.

