Your Productivity Comes From Your Mindset

Kasturi Kugathas
3 min readMar 18, 2022


Three techniques that’s helping me daily

Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

I’ve tried a lot of strategies in being productive. Be it household chores or office work, I always look for an efficient way to get things done. Why you ask? Well, honestly, I’m quite LAZY — thats the simply truth. But who isn’t? There’s so much to do these days, so many things to look forward to and to visit. With the world so connected, more than ever, we all want to experience a little of everything, at the very least. So, in order to do that, we should either minimise our chores or maximise our capabilities.

Can you minimise your chores? Can you quit your job and travel all over the world? If you’re a YouTuber or a blogger with 5 to 6 figures cashing into your bank accounts, sure, you can. But can the rest of us do it? We can scratch our heads all we want, but unless there’s a hefty inheritance popping in (minus the inheritance tax, sigh!), you ain’t going nowhere.

Okay, so, I didn’t start writing this to rant. The idea is to change our mindsets. Let’s look at the three techniques and why it works for me.

Leave your fixations behind

To do that, simply start with letting all your fixated behaviours go away. Now, what do I mean by that? If you’re always accustomed to doing things a certain way, take a moment to realise if it takes you less time to do the same things in a different way. Nobody wants to spend hours and hours coding or cleaning or washing something only to end up doing it over and over again. Keep it simple. If it costs you less, outsource it!

Take a break

Take a short break in between to really allow your brain to get distracted in a positive way. I used to work with a Manager who takes me for coffee breaks when he sees me boggling my head to fix things. It was his way of ensuring that nobody feels the work pressure. If he sees any of us stressing out, he’d take us all out for a cup coffee. It lasts for 15–20 mins and we talk about anything but work and when we come back, we’re all in a different mindset and things just go so smooth after that. There have been times when I’ve even forgotten that there actually was a problem.

Use Music

Music can be a great motivator to complete a task. I use slow music for certain types of household chores or when I’m writing articles. I also make sure to keep it on medium to low volume so it doesn’t take over my thoughts. But, When I’m working on something concrete and don’t want my attention to be taken away, I use upbeat music with a very minimal selection of songs in loop and on high volume. No disturbance and the work gets done. I have created playlists for myself depending on what chores I do. It helps me while doing the chores and also motivates me at the same time to do it again.

And don’t forget, in anything that you do, consistency is key. The more you do the same thing again and again, the better you get at it.

So, there you go. My three simple techniques to adapt into your lifestyle to make things easier and to boost your productivity. If you’re already using these, a BIG thumbs up to you and do let me know which ones you find more productive. Also, feel free to share what upbeat music you use. I would love to update my playlists.

Oh, and for those TL;DR folks, my three techniques to boost productivity are,

  1. Don’t fixate yourself on doing things one way. Try different methods to see which is efficient.
  2. Take breaks if you’re stuck so you can turn away from your problems for a short while.
  3. Use music to enhance your brain activity depending on the work you do.

Don’t forget to follow me, if you like my productivity tips.

This is the first story in my series of exploring how to improve productivity. Read the second one below.

Until next time, Ciao!



Kasturi Kugathas

Mother, Techie — In the path of learning and growing myself