You are a Divine Being of Light

Kyle Lange
2 min readJun 30, 2020


You are a Divine Being of Light.

There is no need to fear.

No need to anger.

No need to resist.

Everything is unfolding perfectly.

The Ego-identification is what is causing all (or most) of the strife in the world.

The illusion of separation is what causes you to fear and hate your brothers, your sisters, your family.

The idea that “the world” is collapsing is foolish.

The world is not collapsing- the paradigm is.

You have confused your ideas about society and poverty and global warming with wellness and comfortability and what is “right”.

Your complacency is not an accident. It is programmed.

Your polarity-identification is what causes the conflict.

You think that if someone believes something that is “opposite” or “opposing”, then they are against you.

You are not your ideas. You are not your thoughts. You are not your beliefs.


They shape and create your experience of reality, but they are not you. You are not your experience.

*You are experiencing*. Experiencing is not the same as you. You are not the experience; you are not the reaction to the experience.

You ARE what IS. You ARE a Divine Being of Light.

Release yourself from the bonds of identifying with your personality.

Release yourself from your own prison.

Release yourself. Release yourself. Release yourself.

Release yourself from the fears of the Ego.

Release yourself from the pain of the past.

Release yourself from the fears of the future.

Release. Release. Release.

You are not the small you. You are the Light.

You are the witness. You are witnessing yourself.

Bring Love to yourself.

Bring Love to the planet.

Bring Love. Be Love.

Radiate, Love.

Stop it. Stop the rage. Stop the pain. Stop.

Stop hating each other.

Stop fearing each other.


Stop being complacent.

Stop creating from a place of fear and lack and other.

There is no Other.

There is only Oneness.

Stop creating hate. Stop creating from Hate.

Hate destroys your Love, your Planet.

Transcend beyond your ancestors.

Transcend your inherited beliefs.

Transcend your inherited pain.

The Time is NOW.


To Create.

To Be.


