Klap Finance Q3 So Far

KLAP Finance
5 min readAug 4, 2022


The Overview…

The last two months have been a whirlwind ride for the Klap family! From building the beginnings of our community in mid-June, to our successful testnet and mainnet releases, to the launch of the KLAP token; with plenty of social media campaigns and giveaways for our users in between, it’s been an absolutely explosive time to be a Klapper. But between all these launches, events, and opportunities, you might’ve blinked and missed a few things– or maybe you just want to get caught up on what’s been happening at Klap. This article is for you! Read on to find a timeline with all the highlights you need to know.

Klap Timeline: June and July 2022

  • June 12: Klap comes out of stealth, ready to become the prime liquidity market protocol on Klatyn. Our Discord goes public, and the tweet sharing our introductory Medium article garners 47K+ engagements. The space is excited by the core features of our project: modern DeFi tokenomics, plenty of rewards and yield boosts for long-term holders, and a highly experienced team to bring the best possible experience to our users.

“We see Klap in a great spot to leverage Klaytn’s technical architecture enabling high TPS, fast finality, and cheap transactions. We are confident in Klap’s compelling protocol design features and veteran builders to serve the nascent Klaytn DeFi ecosystem.” — Richard Ma, CEO of Quantstamp (nasdaq.com)

  • June 13: Our OG campaign runs on Discord, recognizing our earliest and most passionate community members with an exclusive role and commemorative NFT. We reach 20K Klappers across Discord and Twitter in just 24 hours.

“ROK Capital is excited to support KLAP in bridging Klaytn DeFi to the global audience. We believe KLAP will set a foundational piece for new defi primitives on Klaytn, Korea’s favorite EVM chain. —ROK Capital, one of the many top crypto funds backing Klap. (twitter.com)

  • June 15: More than 2,000 users across Twitter put KLAP 👏 in their handles to show their support and earn extra entries into our kick-off campaign. 250 lucky Klappers also earn our exclusive Twitter Tribe Discord role by keeping a close eye on our tweets.
  • June 16: Klap’s testnet goes live! The enthusiasm our community showed was staggering, with tens of thousands of users making 2 million transactions daily. Users showed their support by suggesting improvements and hunting down bugs relentlessly. We thank our community for their thorough testing, which was vital to our smooth and successful transition to mainnet.
  • June 20: We announce our partnership with SiMPLE, and 500 lucky winners of the celebratory Gleam giveaway earn a Whitelist spot for our upcoming IDO.
  • June 22: Our integration with Synapse is announced, allowing Klap users to bridge from 15 EVM chains (including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Aurora, and more) to Klatyn. The integration boosted liquidity on Klatyn, essential for both the health of the protocol and Klap becoming the definitive liquidity hub of the chain.
  • June 23: MAINNET GOES LIVE! The high activity on our testnet was no mistake: in just 45 minutes after launch, the Klap mainnet reached $50,000,000 TVL. In two and a half hours, we’d smashed $100,000,000 TVL.
  • Our pre-mining program also had plenty of rewards for early contributors, with 15M KLAP tokens and 250K USD worth of KLAY to reward lending and borrowing.
  • June 27: The Klap Lockdrop opens. We dedicated 1.5M USD worth of KLAY and 30M KLAP just to rewarding lockdroppers. Klappers, going stronger than ever, locked up a massive $35M in the vault.
  • As of the time of writing, the one-month Lockdrop rewards have been distributed. Although a small percentage of users experienced a bug in collecting the correct rewards, our team of engineers rolled out a fix within just 3 hours, ensuring that all of our valued users got the rewards they deserve.

“KLAP… is now the second most popular application on the Klaytn network. Crypto lending has proven to be one of the most robust use cases for decentralized finance… With its EVM compatibility, Klaytn has established itself as an L1 that can hold its own against Ethereum within a low-fee environment that supports on-chain trades that are intrinsic to DeFi. (binance.com)

  • July 5: The search for KLAPBASSADORS begins! We put out a call on our socials for content creators, translators, designers, writers, and artists from our talented community to show us their stuff! We received hundreds of submissions, including memes, fanart, tweets, videos, written pieces, and translations of our articles into multiple languages.
  • Creators of high-quality Klap content receive a VIP role on our Discord, as well as guaranteed KLAP rewards for their efforts. The program may be exclusive, but it’s well worth it for those who can make it in. And we’re still accepting submissions! Read more about the Klapbassador program and submit your application here.
Just one example of our Klapbassadors’ amazing work. High-quality content has the chance to be broadcast on our official Twitter, or even earn KLAP rewards for creators!
  • July 11: Users get the chance to take part in a CHEEKy scavenger hunt on the Klap website. Those who put the clues together were rewarded with CHEEKS, the first meme token on Klatyn. They’re also fully tradeable, so get out there and KLAP-CHEEKS.
  • July 15: Klap’s Liquidity Drop begins, with 5M KLAP tokens dedicated to rewarding those who contributed. The total amount locked up was a massive 1.5M KLAY! Participants can harvest their Pool 2 rewards weekly on the Klap app.
Our article documenting the most up-to-date developments on Klatyn. Find out why we expect such big things from the chain in this innovation, technology, and research rundown.

Our Community

Through these non-stop few months, we at Klap HQ have been incredibly grateful for the consistent support, passion, and trust our community has shown. The Klap family has now grown to almost 70,000 users across Discord and Twitter, with thousands of messages every day, an avalanche of memes, art, and other content, and plenty of feedback that will always be invaluable to shaping Klap’s future. Klappers do the most, and it’s our commitment to reward those who are here to truly support the project.

Join the Klap family:

Kakao: https://open.kakao.com/o/gREtSNae

Twitter: https://twitter.com/klapfinance

Telegram: https://t.me/klapprotocol

Discord: https://discord.gg/klapfinance

What’s next?

We keep building!

New features, new institutional partners, and a new lease on the growth of the KLAYTN DeFi ecosystem.

We are only getting started.

