Klas EskilsoninFishbrainGraphQL Fragments are amazing!… If you know how to use them. Here, we have some suggestions on what to avoid, and what to do instead.Jun 5, 20201Jun 5, 20201
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainTransitioning into Working RemoteLike many, many other companies, Fishbrain decided to close down the office two weeks ago. This was done as a response to the spreading…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainFinding the center point in a cluster of coordinatesThis is a story about one of those times you got to use all that math they teach you in school.Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainRunning Rails 6A tale up upgrading a Ruby on Rails application to the latest version. Spoiler: Multiple databases out-of-the box are amazing.Sep 12, 2019Sep 12, 2019
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainIntroducing and Surviving On-CallStaying online and staying sane.Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainAutomating Code ReviewRemoving friction from pull requestsJun 14, 2019Jun 14, 2019
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainBuilding that admin dashboardAt Fishbrain, we have for a while known that our old admin panel was outdated. It was built using Angular.js and done so in a solid way…May 22, 2019May 22, 2019
Klas EskilsoninFishbrainAn Alternative to Force Pushing in GitHow to (not) Lose Commits & Alienate ColleaguesFeb 16, 20191Feb 16, 20191