It is getting serious(English Translation)

Klaus H. Wilch
4 min readJan 13, 2020


This is a part and extra material of this medium blog post: Founder Insights: Wins, Fails & Learnings of 2019 — CEO Edition. So I’d recommend to jump into that one to understand also the context and interesting backstory behind :)

Some people start already with irrational fear, envy and hate (lol)

K.: Klaus
S.: The other person

Part I — First in Black One ETO Telegram Group in English (Original)

Monday 23rd December 2019

[14:12:26] S.

As an Entertainment company…I would be very careful who to spam via Telegram. — — . but if the founder of “VIVA Media” is your only quote recommendation there is no beef anyway. Did not see any of you guys at any show, red carpet, filmball, music award or anywhere close to the business you want to be in. Have fun and burn investors money…..

[14:21:25] klaus: Admin

We respect all opinions. Thank you. Even though we think the term “spam” is a wide definition since we are indeed connected on LinkedIn and to you us your number* and we only have the intention to inform our adjacent networks. But sure no offence taken and we wish a peaceful holiday season.

*you gave us your number

Monday 23rd December 2019

K. (in 1:1 personal chat)

Hello Mr. XXXXXXX, this is Klaus Wilch from Black One.

On behalf of my team, I would like to apologize if you felt you had been spammed.

Of course that was not the intention. And Telegram is actually used like a newsletter these days. And the telegram contact lists/email newsletter lists/linkedin contact lists are now mainly handled by my business assistant. I will gladly take you out of this completely. I wish you happy holidays. VG

P.S.: Of course we have neither the time nor the intention to go to any award shows at the moment. Besides, there is nothing really relevant anymore. Echo is gone and Springer’s International Music Award is nothing special now. It’s too early for that. But be assured that we are already known in the right places and traditional Labels will hate us and are already hating us for it. We don’t mind that.


jesusyou don’t learn anything but sipping cold brew and giving “business assistants” the fault :D….man boy, i got your concept pitched about 30 times in the last 12 months. What in God’s name makes you think, without any experience, without win so far, without network, you can ask others for money and use it for your own enrichment ? Boomer greetings and thanks for the instruction about Tgram usage.

and really… found a corporation (GmbH). That’s embarrassing.

because — whoever doesn’t have 25K for an idea should drop it

(in German the tone is very aggressive and demeaning, the translation perhaps does not transport it very well :))


Ui ui I find the “Enragement” unfortunately frightening but almost amusing:

- apparently you have a strong aversion to the typical “startup” scene. I know that too. I have had enough experience in the VC and accelerator scene and have learned from very good and bad entrepreneurs

- And enterprises are logically always meant to achieve self-interest and profit — we are not an NGO. I don’t see “enrichment” in that.

- We sell real equity with rights for shareholders and have a working business model

- this is completely the opposite of hypothetical ICOs which are really only pure enrichment

- and you surely know the statistics. 99% of ICOs are scam/never do what they want to do/fail within 18 months and you seem to support this fully with TV Blockchain ICO projects that no VC would touch in the same way (my assistant, shocked by the reaction, just sent me a screenshot, yes it exists :)

- I can only assume that you either have certain conflicts of interest why you react so allergic (maybe you don’t like Newfoundland, or because of the ICO project above, you have label friends etc. etc. the list could be endless)

- or you have simply forgotten what it was like to be young and still green-beaked but with honest thoughts of change, so far you are really the only one who reacts like that.

- and unfortunately in Germany the GmbH to UG prejudice still prevails. In the USA and UK, Ltds. are not slaughtered without reason. Especially in the “old economy”. And we have surpassed more than 25K Euro by far, but not right at the beginning. This is all self-earned money and we have earned and financed everything in our modest lives. With the gold spoon in our mouth we really didn’t come into the world.

- but of course you know all this as a very experienced employed manager, which is why this actually rather frightens me

- Therefore I also thank you for your opinion/teaching

- I really have nothing against you and I wish you the best

P.S.: I had been on the last Echo as a VIP and unfortunately it was really bad and we want to and will change this. :) and going beyond the German language.

Translated with (free version)

