How to Convert PDF to Google Doc?

5 min read3 days ago


The need to edit and collaborate on documents is constant, and PDFs often pose a challenge due to their fixed format. Converting a PDF to Google Doc can transform a static, non-editable file into a dynamic, shareable document ready for collaboration.

This blog will walk you through the straightforward steps to convert PDFs to Google Docs, making your workflow smoother and more efficient. Whether you’re a student, professional, or part of a team, this process will help you overcome the limitations of PDFs, enabling seamless editing and collaboration.

Convert PDF to Google Docs

Problem: The Challenge of PDF to Google Doc Conversion

PDFs are widely used due to their ability to maintain formatting across different devices and platforms. However, this same feature makes them difficult to edit. You can’t just open a PDF in any text editor and start making changes. When you need to modify the content of a PDF or collaborate on it with others, the inability to edit becomes a significant hurdle.

For instance, imagine you receive a research paper in PDF format that needs to be updated with new information and reviewed by your team. Manually retyping the entire document into an editable format like Google Docs is time-consuming and error-prone. This inefficiency can lead to delays and frustration, particularly when working under tight deadlines.

Agitation: The Frustration of Inefficient Workflows

The traditional approach to handling this problem involves either using expensive software or manual data entry, both of which have their downsides. High-end PDF editing software can be prohibitively expensive, especially for individuals or small businesses. On the other hand, manual data entry is not only tedious but also prone to errors, which can compromise the quality of your work.

Moreover, these methods are not practical for those who frequently need to convert PDFs to editable formats. The time and effort required to manually convert PDFs add up quickly, impacting productivity and efficiency. For teams working collaboratively, this problem is exacerbated, as multiple people may need access to an editable version of the same document simultaneously.

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert PDF to Google Doc

Step 1. Upload the PDF to Google Drive

  • Go to Google Drive.
  • Click on the “New” button on the left side of the screen.
  • Select “File upload” from the dropdown menu.
  • Locate the PDF file on your computer and upload it to Google Drive.

Step 2. Open the PDF with Google Docs

  • Once the PDF is uploaded to Google Drive, right-click on the file.
  • Select “Open with” and then choose “Google Docs” from the submenu.
  • Google Docs will automatically convert the PDF into an editable document.

Step 3. Review and Edit the Document

  • After the conversion, review the document to ensure that the formatting and content have been preserved accurately.
  • Make any necessary edits directly in Google Docs.

Step 4. Save and Share

  • Once you are satisfied with the document, you can save it in Google Drive.
  • You can also share the document with others by clicking the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Additional Tips for Better Conversion

Use High-Quality PDFs: Ensure that the PDF you are converting is of high quality. Low-resolution PDFs or those with complex formatting might not convert as accurately.

Check Formatting: After conversion, always check the formatting. Some elements like images, tables, and special fonts may not convert perfectly.

Use KlearStack Drive’s OCR: If your PDF contains scanned images of text, Google Drive’s OCR (Optical Character Recognition) can help extract the text. This feature is particularly useful for converting documents that are not digitally created.

Case Study: Boosting Productivity with PDF to Google Doc Conversion

To illustrate the impact of this process, let’s look at a case study involving a marketing team at a mid-sized company.


The marketing team frequently received reports and whitepapers from external partners in PDF format. These documents needed to be reviewed, edited, and integrated into the team’s collaborative projects. Initially, the team used a mix of manual data entry and costly PDF editing software to handle these tasks.


The manual process was slow and often led to errors. The PDF editing software, while effective, was too expensive to maintain for all team members. This setup resulted in inefficiencies and delays, particularly when multiple team members needed to work on the same document.


The team decided to switch to converting PDFs to Google Docs using the method outlined above. By uploading PDFs to Google Drive and opening them with Google Docs, the team could quickly and easily convert these documents into an editable format.


Increased Efficiency: The conversion process reduced the time spent on manual data entry by 75%.

Cost Savings: The team saved on software expenses, reallocating those funds to other critical areas of the project.

Improved Collaboration: Team members could now simultaneously access and edit the documents in real-time, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

How KlearStack Enhances the Conversion Process?

Automated Data Extraction
KlearStack uses AI and machine learning to automatically extract data from PDFs. This includes not only text but also tables, images, and other complex elements that might not convert well using basic tools. This automation significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual data entry.

High Accuracy
The platform’s advanced algorithms ensure high accuracy in data extraction and conversion. This means fewer errors and less time spent on post-conversion editing.

Batch Processing
KlearStack supports batch processing, allowing you to convert multiple PDFs to Google Docs simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for organizations that need to handle large volumes of documents efficiently.

Integration with Google Drive
KlearStack can seamlessly integrate with Google Drive, making it easy to upload converted documents directly to your Google Drive account. This integration streamlines the workflow, saving you additional steps and time.

Customizable Workflows
The platform allows you to create customizable workflows to suit your specific needs. Whether you need to convert invoices, receipts, reports, or any other type of document, KlearStack can be tailored to handle your unique requirements.


Converting PDFs to Google Docs proved to be a game-changer for the marketing team. The streamlined process not only saved time and money but also facilitated better teamwork and communication.

KlearStack is an AI-powered document processing platform that specializes in automating the extraction and conversion of data from various document formats, including PDFs.

