Powerful Gratitude Exercise
This will be a short post, but it is going to be very practical. I am going to share with you a powerful and simple gratitude exercise that you can adopt as your daily routine to improve your life. Use it to kick-start your day, when you are feeling stressed, when you are happy, before your meals, when you lay down to bed in the evening or even when you wake up in the middle of the night. Any time is a good time and gratitude is one of those things that you can never have too much of. The exercise will take you only a minute to complete, but the benefits that it offers will last much longer.
Now let’s begin. You can do the exercise already as you are reading the instructions.
- Look at your hand. It should look like a fist, with your palm facing you, ready for counting on your fingers.
- Think of 5 things that you can be grateful for in your life.
- Say to yourself “I am grateful for ___________.” You can say that out loud, whisper it to yourself or just think about it in your mind. (Out loud has the most power but anything is better than nothing.)
- Count the things you are grateful off on your fingers. After you name all 5 of them, you should be left with an open palm.
- Now place your palm over your heart. If you want, you can even close your eyes at this point and just say “Thank you.” while feeling the gratitude flowing over you.
- You can stay in this state for a few seconds or a few minutes, depending on how much time you are able to spare.
When you feel that you have become a true master of gratitude and taht you need a bit more challenge, you can upgrade the exercise to 10 things that you are grateful for in your life. Simply use both hands when counting and then place one over the other when placing them over your heart. all the rest stayes the same.
Practice it as often as you can and you will find yourself feeling happier.
*** Also, if you wish to improve your life and you are looking for someone to navigate, support and guide you through this journey to happiness, I am inviting you to be a part of my BETA COACHING SESSIONs. In exchange for your feedback and an honest testimonial, I offer you my time and expertise for just a small accountability fee of 25$/session (-90% off). Since I believe in quality over quantity and I wish to give every one of you a transformational experience, the number of available spaces is limited. If you are interested, write to my email (Klemen.life@gmail.com)and tell me what is motivating you to work with me and what area of your life would you like to improve?