
Tulley Kline
4 min readSep 21, 2016

Do Something Fun

For my ‘Do Something Fun’ I watched Dumb & Dumber. I watched this movie because it is a classic & I haven’t seen it in a very long time(… I went & TOTALLY REDEEMED MYSELF :D). My original idea was to play one of the board games I own, but when I saw this & I had to watch it; it was hilarious & fun to watch!

The Dumb & Dumber Cover, & the movie playing on my TV

Mind Map(image)

First I created my Mind Map in my Design Notebook:

My original Mind Map I created in my Design Notebook

Mind Map(digitization)

After finishing my Mind Map in my Design Notebook I digitized it on the UMN Product Design website:

My Mind Map Digitized

Suggested Themes

Wearable Technology- Wearable Technology is on the brink of a new horizon, products like smart watches, key fabs, & wearable medical applicators are the next big thing. This area is worthy of exploration because these products are new within the decade & have so much room to grow, advance, & innovate human life.

Accessible Clothing for People With Disabilities- Most clothing today is not made for people with Disabilities; sometimes it slows people with disabilities down & forces these people to be dependent upon others which is absolutely unfair. This ares is worthy of exploration because not many clothes are made accessible for people with disabilities.. This needs to be addressed.

Meditation- Meditation is as old as humans are & there is so much that goes into it. Meditation depends on being comfortable in your surroundings & it demands your focus. This area is worthy of exploration because meditation is such an important thing to so many people on this planet, & there are so many affordable & smart products that can be created to help everyone zone in & meditate.

10 Silly Ideas

1. The Taser Shoe

The Taser Shoe

2. The Marshmallow Melting Gun

The Marshmallow Melting Gun

3. The Refrigerator Slapper

The Refrigerator Slapper

4. The Edible Stress Ball

The Edible Stress Ball

5. The Cat Toy Self Retriever

The Cat Toy Self Retriever

6. The Human-Wash

The Human-Wash

7. The Car Bath

The Car Bath

8. The Purring Cat Carrier

The Purring Cat Carrier

9. The Shampoo & Brush

The Shampoo & Brush

10. The Automatic Toothbrush

The Automatic Toothbrush


9/21- create initial blog with outline & timeline

9/22-Create my mind map, work for at least an hour, maybe do something fun? maybe not though it’s not planned :D

9/23- Go back & look over my mind map, is there anything I can add to further the map, did I miss any possible connections?

9/24- Review the mind map & choose 3 sub-themes that I want to research through out the semester(state them, why I want to study them/why are they worth it, what problems need to be solved, ensure the topics are not too broad or too narrow)

9/25- Create five (out of the ten) silly product ideas with drawn images(landscape view, full page, w/ title) of ideas (do not have to do with the three topics chosen)

9/26- Create the last five silly product ideas with drawn images(landscape view, full page, w/ title) of ideas (do not have to do with the three topics chosen)

9/27- Gather all of the data from the project through taking pictures, scanning, or whatever else way I need to.

9/28- Finalize blog for grading

9/29- Post peer review on blogs

