Here are the facts..

3 min readApr 16, 2019


Wildfires in California have been a tremendous concern to many of the locals that live there. On the 15th of November in 2018, a news report was brought to many peoples’ attention. The news station, ABC, covered a story of a post that was made on Facebook stating the rain is “extremely toxic,” due to all the recent fires. Many people became concerned and did not feel comfortable going outside. Though the statement may seem very likely, it is untrue that the rain has become extremely toxic and this is nothing but a fake news story that stirred people up.

The initial Facebook post that was re-posted over 3,000 times stated the rain is toxic was deleted by the original poster. The ABC news station was fortunate enough to get a screenshot of the post before it was gone.

As many people know, California has extreme amounts of wildfires. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, in 2018 California had 8,054 wildfires that burned 1,823,153 acres of land. The one that has recently taken over the internet was known as the Camp Fire incident. According to the California fire website it started on November 8, 2018 and took the life of eighty-six citizens and three firefighters were injured. The Camp Fire also took out 18,793 buildings, including residences, commercial buildings, and other varies types of structures. For people living in California, it is obvious why people would become scared and believe the post, since there was a detailed thread on how to handle the toxic rain and in a time like this people seek safety. When a post is made with that many details, it is more likely to become real to the audience. Due to the damage the most recent fire has caused, it is also believable this may be another outcome of the wildfire. With a google search of “toxic rain in California,” it becomes clear that it was a fake news story since everything that comes up counters the initial post. The rain in California is not toxic, and again, is a hoax.

The Research

There is no doubt that smoke produced from fires are harmful to humans, and it was recommended in California to wear a mask when going outside to help preserve health. But, will the rain itself become toxic? Experts say it is not likely. This becomes a controversial issue once the post the made, and the California Air Resource Board was contacted and reassured that the air was not toxic. The California Air Resource Board brought to peoples’ attention that the smoke that was still being seen was from vegetation still burning and it is unlikely that even if the particulate matter (solid and liquid particles in the air) was at a high concentration, it is doubtful to become part of the California rain. Due to these two reasons, it is unlikely the rain falling in that area of California was at all “extremely toxic.”

Fake news takes over the internet. With one share of a post, it opens the door to many other people to be able to see the original post. California rain being “extremely toxic” was a topic that concerned many and was shared over 3,000 times. People became worried to go outside and concerned to bring their pets out. The California rain is another example of a post that was not true that fooled many people, known as Fake new.

Work Cited

California, State of. “California Statewide Fire Map.” Camp Fire General Information,

“Facts + Statistics: Wildfires.” III,

“Facebook Fact Check: Is the Rain ‘Extremely Toxic’ Because of Smoke from Camp Fire?” KXTV, 20 Nov. 2018,

Kasprak, Alex. “FACT CHECK: Is Rain That Falls in Smoky Areas After a Wildfire Likely to Be ‘Extremely Toxic’?”, 19 Nov. 2018,

