Privilege Escalation: Systemctl (Misconfigured Permissions — sudo/SUID)

Samuel Whang
2 min readNov 3, 2019


The binary, systemctl, is a process that exists in linux operating systems that is used to start different services, such as apache servers. Because of the level of impact that systemctl can have on the system, it’s generally reserved for privileged users, such as system administrators. There are instances where permissions for systemctl may be misconfigured allowing for opportunities to leverage it into privilege escalation. For example, there may be entries in the /etc/sudoers file that allows a low privileged user to execute systemctl with root level privileges, or systemctl may be configured with SUID permissions which provides low privileged users access to the binary. In this blog, we’re going to discuss how to do this assuming you have privileges to access systemctl.

Creating systemd unit files

First we’re going to create a systemd unit file which is where systemctl references when starting a service. A good reference on the structure of this file is located here:

We first need to a find a writable directory on the target file system. In this case, I used my current user’s home directory and called the file root.service. The content of the file is displayed below:

Figure 1: Content of root.service

It’s important to make sure that the User value is set to the user you want systemctl to execute the service as. In this case, I set this value to root because my goal is to obtain a root level shell. The ExecStart parameter is where we need to place our payload. In this case, I am using a one-line bash reverse shell.

Payload Execution

Before we can execute our root.service file, we need to place it onto the target file system if it’s not there already. Once that is done, we just need to use systemctl to start our custom service. To do this, we first need to set up our listener. Once we do that, we need to make sure we specify our root.service file location in our systemctl command arguments.

Figure 2: systemctl payload execution

After we start the service, we should see a root level shell in our listener.

Figure 3: Root level shell in netcat listener

