Automated Trading Systems of the Future

2 min readOct 25, 2017


When KloudTrader was conceived 3 years ago, it was with the idea that retail traders want to have greater control over trading strategy automation. Instead of simple triggers and rule engines, we envisioned a future where everyone could develop sophisticated trading strategies on par with those by professional quants on Wall Street with little effort. Fast forward 3 years, coding is now considered an essential skill in finance, yet it is neither easy nor simple. Effective software developers and programmers generally require years of experience and practice. There is no alternative or solution for your average professional trader who had been laid off due to lack of computing know-how. Decades of experience and institutional knowledge will be wasted and countless rendered jobless due to the advent of machines.

Our Strategy Creation System

We don’t believe in such a future. At KloudTrader, we aim to lower the barriers of entry to computing. Computational thinking is an ability possessed by all. The moment you make a recipe or write down a shopping list you are engaging in computational thinking. The main barriers to effective interface between man and machine are due to largely cultural and economic reasons; there had been little research into better interface systems and the few rapid development tools were either end-of-lifed or fell out of popularity. In niche areas such as scientific software, game development and the audio/visual effects industry, however, such tools have thrived and would most likely continue for the foreseeable future.

KloudTrader is powered by open source technologies. Our front-end builds in Google’s Blockly while our backend is powered by Quantopian’s Zipline. This way, we provide a Turing-complete programming language built on trusted and well-tested foundations and at the same time, offer infinite flexibility in program creation, providing a powerful solution to users of all skill levels. Once you have connected your brokerage account and created your ideal trading strategy, backtest it and run it completely in the cloud; we will take care of the rest. KloudTrader heralds from a research area with a rich history. Together with platforms such as Bubble, we represent next step in visual programming and algorithmic trading. With KloudTrader, even an amateur can expect to grasp its usage within a couple of minutes thanks to our highly intuitive interface. İf that sounds like something you would enjoy, we highly recommend you signing up for our mailing list. Stay tuned!

P.S. KloudTrader is hiring! We are looking for a CTO/Senior Software Engineer. If this sounds interesting, email us.




Products and tools for trading, from individual to enterprise.