Activation Function : How to choose Activation Function

Minu k
2 min readJun 22, 2022


An activation function is a really substantial property of an artificial neural network, they overall choose whether the neuron should be turned on or not. In artificial neural networks, the activation function defines the output of that nodule donated an input or side of inputs.

It’s also major to differentiate between linear and non-linear activation functions. Where linear activation functions keep up a constant, non-linear activation functions generate additional variation which utilizes the form of the neural network. Functions like sigmoid and ReLU are usually operated in neural networks to aid raise working models.

Why we apply Activation functions with Neural Networks?

It’s employed to decide the output of neural network like yes or no. It maps the responding values in between 0 to 1 or-1 to 1etc.( depending upon the function).

How to chose a activation function

Despite the reality we’ve defined problems with ReLU, a lot of people have chalked up good results with ReLU. It’s better to strain out unvarnished stuff first. ReLUs, among all the other feasible prospects have the inexpensive computational budget, as well are dead simple to administer if your arrangement requires coding up from scrape.

Still, my succeeding pick is a moreover a Leaky ReLU or a ELU, If ReLU does not output hopeful results. I have begin that activations which are qualified of bearing zero centered activations are much better than the ones which don’t. ELU might have been a a really easy choice, but ELU grounded networks are slow to train as well slow at determination time.

Still, and a lot of time, you can vary the version of the preliminary activations with those of PReLU and Randomized ReLUs, If you possess a lot of computational budget. Randomized ReLU can be practicable if your function shows overfitting.


Here, we learned activation function , why we used activation function and how to choose activation function.

