Seven Earths and Seven Karshvars are Supercontinent cycles

Karunakar Marasakatla
4 min readDec 19, 2019


The concept of global deluge is almost part of every ancient culture. Supercontinent formation and the subsequent extensive flooding of the continental regions during the breakup of supercontinent caused an extensive erosion and sedimentation on the flooded regions of the continents and reshaped the landscape on the Earth. The same event was later described as the new Earth after the flood in the ancient texts. In the whole history of the Earth, a total of seven Supercontinents formed since 2800 million years ago (Ma) and each separated by around 425 million years (My). The past Supercontinent periods falls around 2800, 2375, 1950, 1525, 1100, 675 and 250 Ma. The recent seventh Supercontinent, Pangaea was formed around 270 Ma and the subsequent breakup around 250 Ma caused an extensive flooding of the continental regions. This same event was described as the latest global deluge in the ancient texts, which caused the end Permian mass extinction.

Apart from the extensive description of the Manvantara cycles in the ancient Indian Vedic texts, we can also find the trace of global deluge in almost every other ancient culture.

Ancient Hebrew texts described about the past six Earths and the present as the seventh Earth, each separated by a salty ocean and then a fresh ocean. They even provided the names for the seven Earths from the lowest as the Erez, Adamah, Arka, Ge, Neshiah, Ziah and Tebel. Salinity of the ocean increases from the breakup of the Supercontinent to the formation of another Supercontinent. Breakup removes the salt from the ocean and forms as a fresh water ocean. As the plates move towards the formation of another Supercontinent, salt builds up in the oceans. In other words, the Supercontinental breakup precedes with a global glaciation and more saline water in the ocean. Post Supercontinental period will have more fresh water in the ocean. Environment on the Erez was dark; it could be possible that the first Supercontinental period received very little radiation from the sun. Second Earth, the Adamah, where the light reflected from its own sky and the stars and constellations were bigger in size. The Arka, third Earth, received some light from the Sun. The Ziah, sixth Earth doesn’t have much water resources. This period is from the breakup of Rhodinia to the formation of the Pangaea. Gondwanaland formed in the early period of this era and its vast expanse might have had extensive dry land in the interior of the continent. The Tebel, seventh Earth started with the breakup of the Supercontinent — Pangaea. Other descriptions of these seven Earths are also valuable in comparative analysis of the seven earths and supercontinental environments.

Ancient Zoroastrian texts described the Karshvars as concentric circles one above the other. They described the present Karshvar — Hvaniratha as the seventh and the largest one, above all the previous Karshvars. The other six Karshvars are: Arezahi, Savahi, Fradadhafshu, Vidadhafshu, Vourubaresti, Vourugaresti. According to these texts, Hvaniratha is the only Karshvar inhabited by the men. An ocean separated each Karshvar from another. Karshvars are either Supercontinents or the Supercontinent cycles. Global flooding of the continental regions after the breakup of the Supercontinent is the ocean between each of the Karshvars. Sedimentary layers of each Supercontinent cycle forms above the previous one.

Many other ancient cultures also believe in the concept of global deluge. Some of them refer to the latest event at the breakup of the Pangaean Supercontinent and others probably refer to the breakup of the first Supercontinent around 2800 million years ago. If the story deals about the beginning of time and the creation, then it is definitely the first Supercontinental period. And if the story is about saving the people in an Ark from the deluge means it is the latest event of the Supercontinental breakup. But in most cases these ancient texts mixes the creation with the latest flood story and ignores all the intermediate global deluges. Some of the beliefs in the ancient cultures merely mentions about the deluge.

There is absolutely no doubt that the ancient civilizations possessed a vast knowledge parallel to the modern science but some how the later generations lost the methodologies and just remembered the events. Later these events turned into legends. Common origin or borrowing from another culture explains the abundance of these stories in many ancient cultures. But the similarities between the global deluge and the Supercontinental period should not be studied in reference to the abundance of the story, it should be studied in the context of how and when the ancient cultures first realized these cyclic events happening in the past.

Karunakar Marasakatla
Last updated: 29th December, 2019.

This page is a copy of my Geocities page initially posted on 25th June, 2001 at the following link



Karunakar Marasakatla

Scientist, Engineer and Author. Theoretical exploration of the world around us.