David FLeming

I am half the man I used to be

Post 38, Condom Candy Drugs

David W. Fleming
3 min readSep 1, 2013


Welcome back Team David followers,

The end of August is upon us and the late midi heat-wave continues to be in full force today. I am not worried though as I know September is the time of the year in which the weather starts to begin slowly drifting into the autumn season with the shortening of the daylight. It has been a busy day in our cul-de-sac as two of our neighbors have been replacing their shingles. The labor force of trucks coming and going all morning has kept this Gladys Kravitz busy at the window. The roofers picked a great day to remove and replace the shingles. The heat from the sun will be just right to melt the tar paper to ensure proper sealing and adhesion of the shingles.

Today I am celebrating Frankenstein Day as our August holiday. The odd event marks the birthday of Mary Shelley, the writer of the great monster classic who was born 216 years ago today in 1797. The novel tells the story of a mad scientist, Dr. Frankenstein; his lab assistant, Igor; and the monster. Igor is sent to retrieve various body parts from corpses to aid Dr. Frankenstein in creating the monster, piece by piece. If Ms. Shelley was alive today, she could have used me as her muse of inspiration for her half-man half-monster creation.

I find the statement “I am half the man I used to be” to be very ironic with me. Due to the many surgeries which I have undergone at Vanderbilt in Nashville, I have donated a few of my body parts which are presently sitting around in jars waiting to be studied upon, looked at, and dissected with the hopes of a breakthrough discovery in the fight against cancer. I now have so many scars across my torso region it appears I got into a bad run-in with a riotous axe wielding mob and lost. The next time the “Frankenstein” movie franchise decides to make another sequel, I will be sure to be the first actor in line at the casting call because the make-up department will not have to spend too much time on me in the chair.

Today I am going to step up on my soapbox about my opinion on our nation’s drug problem. Today I had my monthly shipment of steroids to arrive. I opened my package and inside was not my usual round bottle filled with the small, little, and white steroid tablets. To my surprise I found my drugs are now packaged and wrapped individually like condoms. Each tablet was in own little self-enclosed cellophane prison with the name of the name, milligrams, expiration date, and complete instructions printed on the wrapper.

If our nation wants to get serious about its prescription drug abuse problem, let’s start right here. The lobbying committee working for the big pharmaceutical companies thought it would be a great nifty idea to help increase our nation’s drug problem by creating this cute little product. It’s only going to be a matter of time before these ‘condom candies’ flood the market and become popular in school environment if it has not already been introduced this year.

We have too many WDZ’s (Walking Drug Zombies) and the problem only will increase when our drug manufacturers produce these “street ready drugs”. Look at the convenience: they are packaged for individual resale, the buyer knows exactly the strength, and if it ‘fresh’ or if it has been ‘stepped-on’. You can stand on a street corner and just tear them off to distribute them like condoms. “Here take one. You are going to love what these babies do for you!”

Well folks, it’s Friday evening and I think we are going to be heading out of town for a short jaunt up the road. I will see everyone on Monday, Labor Day for a tribute blog in honor of our labor forces. Until then……..

Go Team David!

Stay positive until tomorrow…

I’ve come to understand that there’s always something positive, even in a negative situation.Leif Garrett



David W. Fleming

Surviving cancer as a Hospice patient, who is the Healthiest looking sickest person you will ever meet. Heart cancer. I have grapefruit size tumor & PE.