Google Summer of Code: Week 10

Mehant Kammakomati
SCoRe Lab
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2020

This document is about the work I did as part of Google Summer of Code with SCoRe Lab during Week 10.

July 12: [code]

I have written k8s scripts for the Grafana dashboard to visualize metrics from the Prometheus data source for our k8s monitoring. Link

July 13: [code]

I have extended the existing ingress script to expose Prometheus and Grafana from the K8s cluster to outside.

July 14: [code]

Added scripts for node-exporter. Here we will use Daemon set for node-exporter as we need this pod to be there running on every K8s cluster node and Daemon set makes that easy. We will use a service script to expose it with the network so that Prometheus can consume the node metrics.

July 15: [code]

Read about Logstash pipeline, elastic search, and Kibana for better handling of the Bassa server logs which would help in root cause analysis during disasters or breakdown. Will discuss this with my mentor tomorrow and will go for implementation thereafter.

July 16: [meet]

I had a meeting with my mentor, discussing the work done so far and also about integrating Logstash, Elastic search, and Kibana.

July 17: [code]

Written metric recording rules configuration for Prometheus and minimal README in the Kubernetes folder to demonstrate the purpose. Created two images representing Node view and connections for a monitoring system with minimal explanations attached.

You can find me as Mehant Kammakomati at GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stack Overflow

