Mehran KaderinMisfit TechnologiesA simple guide to use PostgreSQLI’ve been working with PostgreSQL for the last year, and the experience has honestly been amazing. However, every time I wanted to setup…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Mehran KaderinMisfit TechnologiesConnecting to a Serverless Aurora Database locallyI have recently been poking around the Serverless tools that AWS provide, and wanted to setup Serverless Relational Database for a project…May 28, 2019May 28, 2019
Mehran KaderinMisfit TechnologiesSetting up a ubuntu 16.04 production server for a basic django app using nginx and gunicornDjango is a powerful web framework for python that can quickly get an application or website up and running! Django includes a basic…Sep 18, 2018Sep 18, 2018
Mehran KaderinMisfit TechnologiesInstalling the ELK-stack on Ubuntu 16.04 and understanding its servicesThere have been quite a few blog posts on installing and configuring the ELK stack, which were very helpful when I was trying to understand…Aug 27, 2018Aug 27, 2018