WorkFlow iOS App save my day

高文傑 - (KMK)
2 min readMar 30, 2017


Save my time to do more

My free personal assistant

WorkFlow is one of the most powerful Apps that I used since the invention of Apps Store on iOS. The Apps is free so go to Apps Store to get it today!

For Android, there are several apps could do automation to save your time. This is one of several automation Apps on iOS, I tried all those but none of them are working good for me.

Before using WorkFlow, I have to tap at least 5–10 times in order to finish a task. Now I just need to tap twice to complete a routine tasks.

I have the following frequently used task

  • Sleep Mark — Mark the time I go to bed so I can calculate my weekly sleep hours
  • Work Mark — Mark the time I arrive office
  • Location Mark — Whenever I go to a place I wanna mark down the name and location. It will be noted with a full address and image from Apple Map
  • Photo Location Mark — Apart from location mark I can also mark down a location with photos such as delicious food from a restaurant with full address as well as map which I could share it with friends right the way.
  • Diary Mark — It can help me grab a template note from Evernote and create a new one with Today’s informations together with current location.
  • Time Machine — It will search photos which I took a year ago so I could review it.
  • Zip CloudApp — I am using CloudApp for file sharing below 100MB, when I select several files from any apps I can send it to WorkFlow to help me Zip it then upload it to CloudApp. A sharable link will feed back to me then I can share it to any in minute.
  • Meeting Note — It will grab my Evernote Template note then create a new one with necessary informations such as date, time, location …etc. No more copy and paste before a meeting
  • Create PDF — It can help you change anything to PDF and then share it out

This App saved at least 30 mins of my time everyday doing some kinds of copy and paste job.

Last is the most important WorkFlow for me, grab a feed entry from RSS and share it over Whatsapp. One of the them is grab current weather forecast and share it to my family group via Whatsapp.

Have a nice day!



高文傑 - (KMK)

Lecturer, Consultant, Curator Production, Show Control, Networks, Audio, Lighting, Engineering