A rather Utilitarian look

Tin HiFi T3 Review

Sequels and Expectations

Published in
9 min readJul 13, 2019


There’s something about movie sequels.

They invariably fall short of expectations. In fact, the few sequels that usually live up to the hype are usually more of a blue moon (Spider-man 2) or just a director having his magnum opus (The Dark Knight).

Fortunately for Tin Hifi, in case of earphones, it’s the other way around for the most part. A company releases a product, gathers feedback, and then (usually) improves upon that to come up with a superior product. Sennheiser, for example, tweaked the treble response of the original HD800 and came up with the improved HD800S.

That being said — it’s much easier to fix something that’s mildly broken than to follow up on a legit great product. Going back to Sennheiser again — they are yet to come up with something as awesome as the legendary HD600/650. They tried with the HD660S, and while it’s a really good headphone, it’s not quite what people had in mind as a 6XX series successor.

Thus, we arrive at the Tin Hifi T3. The next version of the chi-fi darling Tin T2, and it costs almost twice as much as the one it plans to succeed ($60 vs ~$30). At that price, there are loads of other options, along with the very real possibility of just not being much of an upgrade. It’s a bloodbath out there.

