What I learned from a Failed Marriage

Krista Mollion
The Sassy Chronicles
6 min readAug 10, 2020


“Happily Ever After” is not what you think

Photo by Ömürden Cengiz on Unsplash

As a girl, many fairy tales that were read to me involved a princess. These princesses were not very self-sufficient. They needed a prince to save them. Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel…these are just a few off the top of my head.

Just like in the fairy tales, I definitely felt like my husband saved me. I wanted nothing more than to love someone and be loved. As an empath, I am a true romantic. My husband gave me all of that. I felt I’d found a purpose. I was a better person in every way. There was zero effort to our relationship. We had a few fights but overall, we just worked so well together.

My goal to compensate for an awful childhood being a single child from a divorced couple without any close cousins was to have children myself. A lot of children. I was convinced that I would create the perfect family. After all, I’ve always loved kids and wanted to have them. Luckily, my husband seemed up for the challenge. This was especially a blessing since we lived in one of the most expensive places on Earth: California.

Our marriage was ideal in my mind: we dated for several years, then got married without any issue, had our kids within a five-year time span, and settled into our dual careers complete with great…



Krista Mollion
The Sassy Chronicles

Ex-Agency Owner For Top Iconic Brands Turned Fractional CMO + Educator for Small Business Owners and Creators To Go From Semi-Invisible To Un-Ignorable