The Rise of the De-influencer

Redefining Influence: The Fall of the Influencer and the Rise of the De-Influencer

KD Writes
4 min readApr 6, 2023
Photo by TheRegisti on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve heard about this trend of “de-influencers” everywhere.

Everyone’s talking about it.

It’s all over YouTube.

I even attended a LinkedIn event where they further explored this new trend, and I thought I’d share some insights from the event.

But what is it… and is it real?

“A de-influencer is an influencer who actively rejects traditional marketing tactics and instead focuses on building genuine connections with their audience.”

They do not promote products or services for the sake of money but only endorse things they genuinely believe in.

It all started with Tiktok

TikTok values more authentic videos, which naturally translate into how advertisement content is presented.

But why’s this trend gaining so much momentum lately?

Businesses and consumers are noticing it. It even recently coined the term “UGC creator, ” a new type of more authentic influencer.

Well, there are a few reasons for that…

The Rise of Misleading Marketing

One of the primary reasons for the rise of the de-influencer is the rise of misleading marketing.

Recently, many influencers have been caught promoting products without disclosing that they are being paid. This lack of transparency can be problematic because it can make people feel like they are being lied to or manipulated.

Furthermore, many influencers promote products that are not beneficial or harmful to their followers.

We‘ve witnessed this phenomenon throughout the past decade of Instagram, where influencers would ignorantly promote weight loss supplements, teeth whitening products, and other products that could potentially cause harm.

De-influencers reject these tactics and focus on promoting things that align with their values and can actually help people.

The Need for Authenticity

Another factor driving the rise of the de-influencer is the need for authenticity.

People are increasingly aware of social media's highly curated and filtered nature and are looking for more authentic voices.

They want to hear from people who have had real experiences with products or services and can provide honest and accurate information.

Compared to a decade ago, consumers are now more aware that influencers derive their livelihoods from promoting these products, which could lead to inauthentic reviews.

The Inauthenticity of Influencers

Many influencers have been criticized for being inauthentic and promoting products they do not use.

This lack of authenticity can make people feel like they cannot trust influencers, and therefore, they are more likely to turn to de-influencers for honest opinions and reviews.

Furthermore, many influencers promote products not aligned with their values or lifestyle.

For example, an influencer who promotes weight loss products but claims to be all about body positivity can be inauthentic and may lose credibility.

The Rise of Micro-Influencers

One potential solution to influencer marketing problems is the rise of micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers are individuals who have smaller followings but are highly engaged with their audience.

They are often experts in their field and can provide valuable insights and information to their followers.

Micro-influencers are becoming increasingly popular because they are seen as more authentic and trustworthy than larger influencers.

They often have a more personal relationship with their followers and are not seen as just trying to make a quick buck.

The rise of the de-influencer is a real trend that is gaining momentum.

People are becoming more aware of the misleading nature of influencer marketing and are seeking out more authentic voices to guide their purchasing decisions.

While influencers will likely continue to play a role in marketing, companies, and influencers must be transparent and authentic in their promotions.

The rise of micro-influencers is also an exciting development that could potentially provide a more authentic and trustworthy alternative to larger influencers.

Only time will tell if this trend will continue, but it is clear that people are looking for more genuine connections with brands and products.

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KD Writes

3x Top Writer🏆 All things social media & true crime