Great Products Change Lives

Nothing is more impactful than a product that changes lives and adds value to every honest player in the system.

3 min readJul 17, 2016

Fiix has no VR, no bitcoin, and no Pikachu. 7 months ago I would have told you Fiix needed an exceptional interface; my focus was in putting out the most useable product. However, today we fully understand the industry. We’re in a place where mechanics have been victimized to reflect the dishonest image created by their employers.

People think they despise the mechanic, but the real problem is in the system itself. Beyond the lengthy wait times and the inexplicable prices (which Fiix was founded to solve), there are deeper problems at play.

Often mechanics earn $13 — $18/hr while you pay $120/hr for their labour. Underpaid and forced to work on commission, those who actually fix your car, don’t reap the benefit. If a mechanic doesn’t up-sell, she doesn’t earn further commissions.

Our mechanics tell stories of the ‘Service Manager’. The person who’s hired to judge your willingness to pay. An entire role dedicated to up-selling, fear-tactics, and borderline lies. Some even speak of oil shops that taught them to clean the dipstick in order to convince customers that they need an oil change.

At Fiix, improving the industry is our priority. Yes, we’re going to have a sexy app, tools to empower you to deal with your own maintenance, and great customer service, but we’re also going to fight a broken system. Here are a few things we’ve started doing to bring some light to the industry:

  • Mechanics get paid $40/hour with no commission or incentive to up-sell. Mechanics do what they love (work on cars), and earn 200% more.
  • Mechanics communicate directly with the customer. They get to show off their hard work, and teach customers about their car. With Fiix there’s no need to hide behind a wall; we want our customers to learn and see what’s going on.
  • Mechanics don’t interact with anyone except for Fiix, the customer, and other mechanics. We close deals with part suppliers, we build systems to make their lives easier, we handle payments, and we let them decide what followup work the customer needs. We help mechanics earn enough money to happily pursue their passions.

Because of Fiix, Peter has been able to send money home to his family, Jemel can buy the house he’s always wanted, and Mackenzie feels proud of his profession.

Fiix genuinely wants to be the light in a dark industry; providing transparency and convenience while charging customers less, and giving mechanics more.

Why Mackenzie Loves Fiix

We get the most fulfillment when it works, and we love seeing customers enthused about the exceptional care, quality, and effort our mechanics provide.

Richie was super friendly and thorough. After my car was up and running and he did all of his checks, he gave me some pointers for when I do put my car back on the road.
- Tara

Daniel did an excellent job with the tire change and he even brought coffees for us.
- Catherine

Mackenzie is gotta be one of their best mechanics. Very professional and courteous. I’ve been trying to promote their business by sharing it with a lot of my neighbours in the hood.
- Benji




CTO @fiixmechanics. Previous @apple and @facebook. Student @uwaterloo.