Life Lessons learnt till now

Kaushik Mazumdar
2 min readSep 30, 2021


  • Be prepared to be disappointed and ditched by almost everyone, including your parents (either one or both). Never believe anyone loves you selflessly or can die for you, not even your parents. As you grow up you’ll learn that.
  • Encash your core abilities and never ever doubt them. Everything that’s special in you is valuable to the world. You’ve every right to be paid for what you create.
  • Help people but don’t expect anything in return. People take what they want and you give what you can afford to lose. Reciprocation doesn’t exist in real world.
  • Control your emotions, else, they will control you to the extent you don’t get exploited and manipulated. It’s alright, learn to be tough and a bit rough.
  • Looks matter but hygiene and self-care are all we can do. So either being proud because of looks or being frustrated because of it does no good.
  • Money matters because it shows how much value you can add to the economy, society, and your own life. Empty pockets teach you big lessons. Work hard and earn.
  • There’s a price we need to pay for everything. If it’s free then there’s a hidden cost you’ve to pay.
  • It’s alright to push yourself for extra two hours then feel dull. It’s better to burn than being bored but don’t burn out.
  • If you aren’t specific about what you want and the way to get it, you’ll end up in a mess with things and people you don’t want. Be specific.
  • Its terribly difficult to forget the one you loved but you anyway have to, if they don’t want you in their life, you can’t do anything about it.
  • One real heartbreak is enough to break you and stop you from falling in love ever again. You can love again but never fall in love again. Falling is risky and stupid. That makes you wise in a couple of months.
  • No matter how kind or warm you’re, people always respect the wealthy ones.
  • Prioritizing is crucial. Else, we can end up doing a lot of things yet get nothing.
  • I’m not perfect, no one is. I make mistakes. I need to be humble enough to apologize as much as I can and strong enough to forgive and move on.
  • A person who reads is dangerous in ways you can’t comprehend. I respect the ones who read, even if it’s something as trivial as this answer.
  • Reading is the fanciest thing to do these days. If it can’t be summarised, revised, applied, and assimilated, it creates no difference.
  • I’ve come alone and I have to leave alone. Nobody cares if I live or die after a point. So I’ll Live for what matters to me before I die.

