Why I Started Writing on Medium

I guess this one goes without saying, but —

Vangelis Chrysochoou
2 min readSep 13, 2018
“person writing on paper” by rawpixel on Unsplash

I wanted to start creating.

I wanted to get into the game —

To start writing down my own thoughts and ideas, and see what happens.

What was the trigger, though?

To give you some context, I am a content junkie. I read and watch and listen to tons of online content, on a daily basis.

It’s easy and fast and it gives me a nice warm feeling afterwards.

Consuming all that content gives me a peace of mind, at times even a certain kind of motivation to start doing things, but seldom do I act upon that feeling.

Eventually I figured that all this serves nothing more than a ball and chain.

Ironically enough I read in another blog that —

“For each piece of unlimited content you consume, it stops a piece of content you could have created.”

And just by reading that, I felt guilty because I was depriving myself that creative outlet; the opportunity to discover new and purposeful ways to take action.

It was true that all of this media consumption consumed me in turn.

So I asked myself the following question:

Is this benefiting my life in any substantial way?

And, also —

Does all this information make me more prone to act? Does it really make me more efficient?

I then started putting things into perspective.

I often fantasized about creating a blog, an online space where I would pour out my inner thoughts, feelings and ideas but always ended up postponing it.

So I thought, why still keep postponing it?

Thus begun my journey here on Medium.

About 2 weeks ago I published my first story. Within an hour I got my first clap, some views and a private message.

I decided henceforth that’ll be letting my curiosity lead me to discover and pursue whatever I deeply care about — whether it be writing or anything else.

I decided to make time to create something of my own, something unique.

To share my authentic self with the rest of the world —

And see what happens.

Thank you so much for reading my story.

If you enjoyed this, please click and hold the ‘Clap’ button — it would make me super happy and also help other people read it as well.

Also, if you’d like to leave a comment below, I would deeply appreciate it.

Till the next time,

