I saw CATS
I saw Cats! I can never stop seeing Cats! I will forever see Cats when I close my eyes!
This review, unsolicited, will please no one. If you respect me now, you won’t by the time you finish reading. Let me start with the worst news first: I thoroughly enjoyed Cats.
Some questions you might have at this time:
· Was it a good film? Emphatically no.
· Would I recommend it to others? A more complicated question that I hope this reaction to the film will answer. I will try to explain what I saw in the space below. If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, then you can go see it. I would not recommend it to most humans I have met in my life. That said, everyone who went with me liked it and my in-laws also liked it. You may enjoy it.
· Do I like it ironically? No. I just like it. I don’t think you even can like something ironically. You might like it for different reasons than the people who created it intended, and that is certainly the case here, but if you like something, you like it. Sorry, the nineties as a whole.
Cats was the most movie I have ever seen. Pound for pound, it offers the most movie for your buck. If you desperately miss MoviePass, then you can recreate the experience of paying one low price for so much movie by watching Cats.