Termites You Should Really Be Worried about: and Here are the Solutions

Knockdown Pest Control
3 min readFeb 18, 2023

Let’s break down the signs of a termite infestation in your home before we go into methods for getting rid of them. The problem is, it’s not as simple as watching a termite run along the wood’s grain. Your first stop should be the attic, followed by the rest of the house’s seams and cracks, and finally the breaker boxes.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Here are several signs that the stability of your home’s foundation is being compromised. Hiring termite pest control service at the very beginning can save your valuables.

· Wood that sounds hollow when you knock on it or tap it is almost certainly infested with termites. You can inspect the wood further by using a screwdriver. It’s not a good indicator if your wood gives easily when you press a screwdriver into it.

· Subterranean termites build “highways” composed of mud tubes to travel from the wood they devour to the soil above it. Wood and dirt are compacted to form tubes that are roughly the width of a pencil. If you see them, you have termites, but just because you don’t see them don’t mean you’re safe. Subterranean termites might not have built mud tubes yet, and dry wood termites don’t, so you might be dealing with the latter.

· The discarded wings of swarming subterranean termites are a telltale sign that the insects have gone out to establish a new colony. Lost termite wings could be a sign of an infestation.

The presence of actual termites is a distinct possibility. You need to tell them apart from flying ants so you know what you’re up against. Termites have large bellies, straight antennae, and evenly sized hind wings. However, flying ants are characterized by asymmetrical wings, a narrower body, and kinked antennae.

How to Prevent Termites

There are a number of measures you may take to make your house uninhabitable for termites. Here are the best approaches.

Subterranean termites require constant moisture to survive, so look for leaks. Keep your roof and air conditioner clean and dry to discourage them from coming inside. Termites thrive in cool, damp locations, so it’s important to keep your gutters and pipes clean. Termites can be avoided by routinely clearing up the gutters and drain lines.

Fill in cracks and crevices: Any places where pipes enter the wall should be sealed with caulk, and windows and doors should also be sealed.

Stay away from wood: Termites thrive on the cellulose found in wood, so avoid leaving tree stumps in the yard or storing firewood next to your home. Always select termite-resistant wood and provide at least six inches of clearance between your patio, deck, or terrace and the ground when constructing a new home.

Be careful with mulch: Subterranean termites need soil, and many forms of mulch contain wood. Mulch consisting of rubber or gravel might be a better choice.

The best way to prevent termite damage is to have a professional termite control Sydney service do routine inspections.


A professional termite pest control service should be contacted if either subterranean or dry-wood termites are suspected. These invasive insects can rapidly weaken your house’s framework. The DIY solutions may assist marginally in the short term, but they’re no match for professional equipment, materials, and knowledge.



Knockdown Pest Control

Knock-Down Pest Control Sydney has over 20 years of experience in the business.