3 Reasons Why Businesses Need a Platform Strategy in This Digital Era

Knoldus Inc.
3 min readNov 2, 2021


New technologies transformed businesses rapidly in the workplace even before the pandemic, empowering businesses to thrive and innovate in a growing digital world.

Digital transformation has been instrumental in responding to workplace disorders and business ecosystems, and most businesses scaled up their determinations to meet this unexpected change.

Today, technology is not an option but an essential business strategy that organizations need to implement across every part of the system.

For example, websites like Amazon, eBay, and Netflix, have shifted from a monolithic architecture and advanced to Microservices Implementation. Microservices provide reliability, scalability, agility, and versatility, which help organizations through their digital transformation process.

Here are the top three reasons why digital transformation is indispensable for any organization to remain ahead of its competitors and grow continually

Everybody expects on-demand

Today’s customer, external or internal, anticipates a similar level of experience in a professional environment as they have in their personal lives. It can be challenging to achieve in a business. There have never been more alternatives in terms of where and how to deliver applications from and with whom to associate for the delivery of services.

Businesses demand more responsive hybrid IT services and swift networking capability. Getting the user experience right is a crucial part of such transformation. For leaders, the necessity to sustain the operational discipline around performance and security will remain significant.

Helping employees be more effective

Workforce commitment and arrangement is a hot subject, especially when dealing with a scattered workforce that may never return to the office, fully or partially. Companies are looking for newer ways for productivity improvements, with technology playing a vital role in helping employees to become more efficient in their prime roles, both in and out of the office.

Digital transformation arranges for a valuable chance for primary business functions, like Human Resource and Finance, to automate important areas like payroll. Such business transformation allows leaders to concentrate on large-scale business opportunities.

It is critical to provide a conducive environment for employees to perform by providing access to technology and services on demand.

Security is the topmost business priority.

Keeping data secure is a complicated task, requiring diligent enforcement around data compliance, access, and guarding against attacks. But even the most rigorous security processes are inadequate if an underachieving network compels staff to go elsewhere for faster speeds or flexibility.

Businesses must deploy a security strategy that is consistent across all networks, applications, and data.

As we see beyond the pandemic-enforced world, hybrid working and remote working models have become an integral part of worker lifestyle requirements, up-to-date and robust security measures are highly crucial.


For digital changes to be transformative, Chief Information Officers should link with both business and technology partners, such as Knoldus Inc., that comprehend the broader business goals and can function transparently to achieve these goals.

Originally published at Knoldus Blogs.



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