How to Create Sprints in Jira

Knoldus Inc.
7 min readSep 6, 2022


In this blog post, we’ll be holding a look at precisely what sprints are and why you should apply them within your association. We also have some proficient tips on how you can produce a flourishing sprint proceeding in Jira so that you can start catching results snappily and efficiently.

What is Sprint in Jira?

A sprint is a fixed time period in an uninterrupted development cycle where teams complete work from their product backlog. At the end of the sprint, a team will generally have erected and enforced a working product addition. Jira Software makes your backlog the base of your sprint planning meeting, so you can evaluate stories, acclimate sprint compass, check quickness, and re-prioritize issues in real time.

Sprints are generally set up to last for 2- 4 weeks, but this can be acclimated grounded on the requirements of the team.

  • At the launch of a sprint, the team breakdowns which tasks want to be finished and creates a road map of action.
  • During the sprint, the team works on these tasks and updates the sprint issue consequently.
  • At the end of the sprint, the team has a Sprint Review Meeting to talk over what was fulfilled and what could be bettered for the coming sprint.

Sprints are an integral part of agile software development. They support teams structure their workflow so that they can complete systems quickly with advanced quality products. A sprint frame makes it achievable for any team to apply scrum or agile processes with minimum outflow and complication.

Benefits of Using Sprints in Jira

Some of the most important benefits of using sprints in Jira are as below:

  • Sprints can help enrich communication and coordination within a team by keeping everyone apprehensive of the tasks that claim to be finished and when they’re due.
  • This allows for a further cohesive team and a furthermore streamlined workflow.
  • In the software evolution industry, sprints are frequently exercised as a feasible volition to design operation methodologies like the waterfall model.
  • They permit engineers to get feedback in a shorter measure of time, while similarly furnishing better visibility into their team’s design progress.
  • With sprint, you can evaluate your work in hours or days, rather of weeks.
  • Team members witness the story, not exactly the process. This can assist to evade any last-moment stunners or detainments and ensures that everyone is working out towards the same thing.
  • It allows you to display your team’s consideration operations and communication proficiency. This is a great occasion for us as project managers and developers to do some place testing and produce some stupendous systems.

How to Create Successful Sprints in Jira?

Sprints are an expert way to keep your team concentrated and constructive. They set clear prospects around the compass of work, keep team members responsible, and help validate that features are being constructed efficiently.

Still, if you’re presently applying Jira for project management but haven’t yet enforced sprints, it can be a little inviting at first. Luckily, enforcing sprints in Jira is important simpler than it seems.

Below are the steps to creating a successful sprint in Jira are:

1) Plan your Sprint:

To pick up the most out of your sprint planning the scope of work is significant. Having yourself some twitch place and inflexibility will allow you to research distinct results, but also permit place for you to fall back on what has been solved preliminarily.

Determine the scope of work for the sprint and produce a sprint goal. Produce a user story and acceptance criteria that describes what needs to be evolved during this sprint.

2) Create Your Sprint in Jira:

Once your sprint is calculated, you’ll need to produce a sprint in Jira. This can be suited by going to the ‘ Sprints ’ tab and clicking ‘ Create Sprint ’. You’ll also require to give your sprint a name, description, and start and end date.

After your sprint is created, you’ll require to add your tasks. This can be suited by going to the ‘ Backlog ’ and opting for the tasks you require to add to your sprint. Once you have added all of your tasks, you’ll require to assign them to team members and set deadlines.

Steps to create a Sprint:

  1. Go to the Backlog of your Scrum project.
  2. Click the Create Sprint button at the top of the backlog.

3) Set Your Sprint Goal:

Once you have set the platform, it’s an occasion to start working out. Start by breaking down your sprint goal into attainable tasks. These tasks should be slight enough that one person can finish them in a day or lower.

Determine what the scope of work will be for each day. This will assist you to concentrate on what needs to be fulfilled and keep track of how important work has been done. However, break up it down into lower clods so that they can be finished speedily and efficiently, If you have a large quantity of work that needs doing.

4) Add Issues to Your Sprint:

Appending effects to sprints is critical to keeping them ordered and concentrated. When you produce a sprint, you can handpick the issue type, who it’s assigned to, and any notes that are associated with it.

In extension, every sprint has a due date as well as an evaluated time that gets assigned when you produce the sprint. Once the issue is appended to a sprint, it’ll display in the “ To Do ” queue of that sprint. This means that all of the effects in that queue are part of this sprint and must be finalized before moving on to any other tasks.

To add stories to your sprints:

  1. Navigate to the Backlog.
  2. Drag and drop issues from the Backlog onto your sprint.

5) Start Your Sprint:

It’s an occasion to start the sprint after all of the effects in your sprint are ready, and your team can begin working out on them. A new sprint can only be started when a former one has been finalized and closed. It’s feasible to have further than one active sprint running concurrently in Jira. For that, you’ll require to use Parallels Sprints features.

Starting new Sprint

  1. Go to the Backlog of your Scrum project.
  2. Find the sprint that you want to start and click Start Sprint.

6) Keep Track of Your Team’s Progress:

During each sprint, teams work as a unit to finalize the stories they are locked to at the kickoff of the sprint. These team burlesque meetings are critical for observing a trace of what everyone is working out on if there are problems about which order any given story is going in or distinct issues about timelines and goals companies with individual tasks.

Observing the track of the sprint can be nasty, specifically when working out with a new team. even so, the sprint review is an opportunity for the team to display their work and get feedback from stakeholders. It also helps you decide if you have everything you require to start working out on the coming sprint.

7) Close your sprint:

Once the sprint is complete, you’ll require to review the work served during that moment. You can do this by acting on each issue and observing how important progress was produced on it. It’s also a valid idea to make clear that any effects that were finalized are closed out in Jira so they don’t display up again in coming sprints

To close a Sprint

  1. Navigate to the Active sprints of your Scrum board.
  2. Click Complete Sprint. All completed issues will move out of Active sprints.
  3. If the sprint has incomplete issues, you’ll be asked to move them to one of the following:
  • The backlog
  • Any future sprint, or
  • A new sprint

Best Practices for Using a Sprints in Jira

The casual practices for applying a sprint in Jira differ depending on which system you’re using. Like utmost agile systems, there’s a distinct process that works best, but as utmost agile systems are grounded on the Kanban Methodology they use cards to define work.

There are a few best practices for using a sprint in Jira:

  • Make sure your sprint is correctly configured before starting it. This includes setting the sprint life span, start and end dates, and goals.
  • Assign effects to the sprint that can really be finalized within the sprint life span.
  • Make use of Jira’s sprint reporting features to trace progress and identify any effects that require to be addressed.
  • Hold a sprint review at the close of the sprint to charge what was fulfilled and distinguish any areas for enhancement.
  • Conduct a retrospective at the close of the sprint to distinguish what went well and what could be bettered for coming sprints.


Jira is a digital marking system that stores data about the tickets you produce and the workflow, fluctuations, and strategies of companies with those tickets. So if your team uses Jira for Agile development, you can apply it to keep track of effects like Sprint backlogs and current sprints. With sprints in Jira, developers and project managers manage their teams’ ranges by displaying to them what they’re working on right now and what they require to concentrate on following.

If you want to know Tips to write User stories you can refer to this blog.



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