How to Design Microservices Architecture?

Knoldus Inc.
4 min readNov 16, 2021


The technology sector is all excited over microservices. It is capable of breaking up huge applications into reduced, independently managed, and updated components, making it a go-to option. Microservice benefit stories build up excitement on one side, and on the other hand, its design is not just so easy.

Microservices have a vast potential for altering the institution’s application guidelines. Microservices applications allow you to allocate work across various groups so that every single group can work on specific application segments without extra workload on other groups.

Let us look at how to Design Microservices Architecture?

Build a Distinct Data Storage for Each Microservice

The same backend datastore should not be used throughout microservices. You want the group for every microservice to select the database that fits the service. Besides, with the only data storage, it is very tranquil for microservices written by various teams to segment database structures, possibly to minimize the repetition of work. You reach the scenario where when one group modifies a database formation, other platforms that also use the same database have to alter as well.

Separating the files can complicate data management, as the storage systems can become erratic or get out of sync, and remote keys can change unpredictably. You may need to design a tool that implements master data management (MDM) by functioning in the backdrop to identify and fix irregularities.

Maintain Code

Have all code at a related level of stability and maturity. In simpler words, if you need to rewrite or add a few of the code in an installed microservice that is working well, then the best method is to build a new microservice for the revised code, retaining the prevailing microservice in its place. This way, you can set up and test run the new code until it is bug-free and efficient, without performance degradation or risking failure in the prevailing microservice. Once the new microservice is as firm as the original, you can combine them back together if they execute a single function together.

Create a Distinct Build for Each Microservice Implementation

Create a distinct build for each microservice in such a manner that it pulls in module records from the source at the review levels suitable to it. It occasionally takes you to the state where several microservices take out a related set of files but at different revision levels. It can make it challenging to clear up the codebase by withdrawing versions of old files, but that is a better exchange for how stress-free it is for new files to add as you design new microservices.

Set-up in Containers

It is essential to install everything as you only need a single tool to install the whole thing. For as long as the microservice is in a container, the tool knows how to install it. It does not matter what the container is. That being said, Docker appears to have turned out to be the benchmark for containers.

Consider Servers as Stateless-

Consider servers, especially the ones that run client-facing code, as exchangeable group members. They all accomplish the same tasks, so no need to bother about them independently. Your only worry could be for the abundance of them to generate the quantity of work you require and the use of auto-scaling to change the numbers upside and downside. If one discontinues, it gets replaced by the one automatically.

Let us understand the structure using one example for a fictional e-commerce application

Let’s conceive that you are developing an e-commerce application whereby it will take orders from clients, confirm inventory and existing credit, and send them. The application involves various components, which performs the user interface, besides a few backend services for keeping an inventory, checking credit, and dispatch orders. The application comprises a set of services.

Microservice Architecture pattern

This is a brief about the basics of designing microservices architecture. When you choose an experienced company like Knoldus Inc., the process only gets easier and more efficient. So go ahead and ditch the complexities of doing it yourself and hire professionals to take care of your organisation’s microservices architecture.

Originally published at Knoldus Blogs.



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