About Me

Vikas Kasturi
2 min readApr 30, 2018


I like to always see the face behind a website and know them. I think you would want to know the same. So here is my story.

I am an India based value investor. I research several companies and maybe decide to invest in the stocks of 1 or 2 of them. I reject a majority of stocks either because I don’t understand them well enough or because they lack the kind of quality I am looking for. Like a patient hunter, I need to keep the gun ready (well researched stock ideas and the price at which I want to buy them) and wait for the right opportunity to pull the trigger (Brexit, Demonetization, Trump, Oil, Fed interest rates, Long term capital gains tax etc. which come once in a while).

For about 13 years, I worked in various roles at an India based IT Services and Consulting company. But one fine day in 2015, I was hit by the power of compounding and I fell in love with that. Therefore, I decided to look for these compounding machines in the stock market. But deciding to quit my well paying job to look for these compounders, in 2017, was very hard and I went through the entire range of emotions mostly bordering on fear and anxiety. But 1 year since, I am kind of finding my groove and am enjoying it.

I am a devotee of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett and Prof. Bakshi among others. I hero-worship them and look up to them as great human beings and great investors. There is a high chance that most of what I may write in the days to come would have already been written or said by these great people.

I was an infrequent blogger and my you can find my past blogs here. I am making a second attempt at blogging here. This blog is to share ideas, my mistakes and my lessons in about 500 words each week. Before 2015, I was a know-nothing layman. If god gave me a chance to go back 10 years in time and allowed me to share just one thing with my younger self, it would be the link to this blog. In other words, all my writing is addressed to my dumber and younger self. If you- my reader can learn from my mistakes and make fewer mistakes yourself, my mission would be accomplished.

Best wishes to you.



Vikas Kasturi

I am an India based value investor. This blog is to convey simple ideas in simple words. You will find more about me in my 1st blog on About Me.