Longevity and Age Reversal presented by Brian M. Delaney and William Faloon at Perpetual Life

Tonya Scholz
3 min readFeb 27, 2019


WHO: Perpetual Life presents, ‘Longevity and Age Reversal’ with Brian M. Delaney and William Faloon”

WHAT: Brian M. Delaney will present ‘Navigating the Labyrinth of Dietary Restriction Methods’. Brian M. Delaney is co-founder and President of the Calorie Restriction Society (https://www.crsociety.org/) in 1994. Today he is the President of Age Reversal Network, a public benefit group functions as a private association and consists of physicians, scientists, activists, investors, donors, and participants in previous age-reversal initiatives. These individuals share a common desire to rejuvenate aged people.

Brian Delaney’s presentation will be followed by an ‘Age Reversal Update’ by William Faloon, co founder of Life Extension Foundation, founder of Perpetual Life and a volunteer at Age Reversal Network.

WHEN: Thursday, February 28, 2019. Doors will open at 6:00 PM and the presentation will begin at 7:00 PM

WHERE: Church of Perpetual Life 1855 McKinley St, Hollywood, FL 33021

WHY: Brian M. Delaney will discuss many details of methods and benefits for practicing calorie restriction for weight loss, health, and longevity.

William Faloon will provide an update on Age Reversal Network’s clinical research projects for preventing and reversing degenerative human aging:

  • Rapamycin and Rapalogs
  • Stem Cell Regeneration
  • Young Plasma Infusion
  • NAD+ Restoration
  • GDF11 Restoration
  • Thymus Regeneration
  • Senolytics and Senomorphics
  • Therapeutic Extracellular Vesicles
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
  • Self-Funded Clinical Research
  • Clinical Trial Development

HOW: RSVP Neal@ChurchofPerpetualLife.org

Live stream of Longevity and Age Reversal


About the Church of Perpetual Life

The Church of Perpetual Life is a science-based church that is open to people of all faiths, non-denominational and non-judgmental. It’s a central gathering place for humanists, atheists, agnostics and Transhumanists as well as people who are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and any other faith. What brings them together is their common hope and belief in the option of healthy radical Life Extension. For more info visit http:// churchofperpetuallife.org; Email: Neal@ChurchOfPerpetualLife.org; Follow on Twitter: @LifePerPetual; Like on Facebook.com/ChurchofPerpetualLife

About Brian M. Delaney:

Brian M. Delaney helped found the Calorie Restriction Society International, and has been its president for over twenty years. He has published a book on dietary restriction, with Lisa Walford, “The Longevity Diet”, as well as numerous article on life-extension.

He is the president of Age Reversal Network (formerly Society for the Rescue of Our Elders), a group helping to advance research into very near-term solutions to the problem of aging.

He is an advisory team member for the Coalition for Radical Life Extension and RAADfest global ambassador. In addition, he is a member of Life Extension Advocacy Foundation’s Industry Advisory Board.

About William Faloon:

William Faloon compiled the 1,500 page medical reference book Disease Prevention and Treatment and his latest books are Pharmocracy and Pharmocracy II: How Corrupt Deals and Misguided Medical Regulations Are Bankrupting America — and What to Do About It. He is also Director and Co-founder of the Life Extension Foundation.

To promote Life Extension’s innovative medical concepts, William has been featured in hundreds of media appearances including The Phil Donahue Show, The Joan Rivers Show, Tony Brown’s Journal, ABC News Day One, and Newsweek magazine.



Tonya Scholz

#SocialMedia #Communicator #Broadcaster #Entrepreneur #NewsCurator living the #LifeExtension Lifestyle in #SouthFL