The First Annual Cryonics Symposium International (CSI) at the Transhumanist Church of Perpetual Life on Saturday, July 27

Tonya Scholz
10 min readJul 24, 2019


Are you Cryo-Curious? Learn about the real facts of cryonics at the first Cryonics Symposium International.

The mission of Cryonics Symposium International is to bring leaders in the cryonics community together to learn from each other and promote the emerging science of cryonics.

With master-of-ceremonies Rudi Hoffman, the first time ever assembly of luminaries from different cryonics organizations will be presenting on the concepts behind the science and research of cryonics at the Church of Perpetual Life in Hollywood, Florida on Saturday, July 27th from 10 AM — 5 PM. The Church is located at 1855 McKinley St, Hollywood, FL 33021. This historic event is free-of-charge: donations are graciously accepted. Attendees will enjoy complimentary meals for the duration of the event. Seats are limited. RSVP is required via Eventbrite


Jim Yount~ American Cryonics Society
Alexey Potapov, KrioRus (Russian Cryonics)
Linda Chamberlain ~ Co-Founder of Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Joseph Kowalsky ~ Cryonics Institute
Dennis Kowalski~ President of the Cryonics Institute
Max More ~ CEO of Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Dr. Mike Perry ~ The Venturists
Ben Best ~ Oregon Cryonics
Christine Gaspar — Quality Assurance in Cryonics
Rudi Hoffman ~ Master of Ceremonies of Cryonics Symposium International (CSI) and Founder of Hoffman Planning
Neal VanDeRee ~ Church of Perpetual Life

Keynote Speaker:

Bill Faloon~ Life Extension Foundation, Director and Co-Founder


8:30 AM — 9:45 AM: Breakfast and Networking at the Church

10:00 AM — 12 PM: Showcase of the Incredible Initiatives Happening in the Field of Cryonics

12 PM — 1:10 PM: Lunch & the Suspended Animations Tour Demonstrations of the Cryonics Mobile, the Ambulance for Cryonicists

1:15 PM — 4:00 PM: Cryonics and Life Extensions Showcase

4:00 PM — 4:30 PM: Keynote address by Bill Faloon

4:30 PM — 5:15 PM: Summary and a Questions & Answers session for All the Speakers

5:30 PM — 8:30 PM: Dinner and Networking at Church of Perpetual

For media inquiry or schedule interviews, please contact Tonya Scholz at

Live stream of The 1st Annual Cryonics Symposium International (CSI)


About The Church of Perpetual Life:

The Church of Perpetual Life is a science-based church that is open to people of all faiths. We are non-denominational and non-judgmental. We are a central gathering place for humanists, atheists, agnostics, and Transhumanists as well as people who are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and any other faith. What brings us together is our common hope and belief in the option of healthy radical Life Extension. For more info visit https://; Email:; Follow on Twitter: @LifePerPetual; Like on; Subscribe on Youtube

About Jim Yount ~ American Cryonics Society:

Jim Yount is the President of the American Cryonics Society, inc. He has been active in the cryonics community since 1972. For more info go to

About Alexey Potapov ~ KrioRus (Russian Cryonics):

Alexey Potav is the co-founder and first CTO for KrioRus, the biggest Russian cryonics company in the world, outside the US. Today he is KrioRus’ North America Director and board member. He is also a serial entrepreneur with few startups in drone and retail automation. For more info go to

About Linda Chamberlain~ Co-Founder of Alcor Life Extension Foundation:

Linda Chamberlain is one of the co-founders of Alcor (Alcor Life Extension Foundation) and served as its first CEO. She and her husband, Fred Chamberlain III, started Alcor in 1972. Fred, together with his father and Linda’s mother, are all currently cryopreserved at Alcor. After Fred was cryopreserved in 2012, Linda decided to come out of retirement and returned to Alcor full time in 2016. She is currently engaged in two projects. One is the writing of the medical case report for each patient and the other is helping Alcor members set up funding trusts and revival trusts. It is Linda’s desire to be close to her family and do whatever she can to protect
them and help bring them back into her life as soon as possible. Linda has two published works on the subject of cryonics. The first, LifeQuest, compiled in the 1970s, contains short stories written by Linda, Fred, and others in cryonics, mind cloning and other transhuman adventures. In the 1990s, Linda wrote a cryonics novel called Star Pebble, available on

About Joseph Kowalsky~ Cryonics Institute:

Joseph Kowalsky began his involvement with Cryonics and the Cryonics Institute (C.I.) over 40 years ago when he was just 13 years old. He has been a volunteer director of CI for over 25 years. He has spoken on Cryonics topics in media and for business leaders around the world. A few years ago he founded, and heads, the CryoPrize, a volunteer project to make organ transplants safer, less costly and more available. A lawyer by training, as his “day job” he worked on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., for the Federal Trade Commission, and created a non-profit Law Clinic which he ran for nearly a decade. For the past 20 years, he has been a Financial Consultant, owning his own Financial Consulting firm for the past 10 years. For more info go to

About Dennis Kowalski ~ President of Cryonics Institute:

Dennis Kowalski is a medical officer and a Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic for the city of Milwaukee. He is also certified in advanced cardiac life support, advanced pediatric life support, and as a CPR Instructor for the American Heart Association. As a Fire Fighter and Paramedic Dennis have had a lot of experience dealing with life and death. His training and skills have given him numerous opportunities to be a part of saving lives and helping people in distress. He also teaches emergency medicine at the Milwaukee Fire Academy and the Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Center. He has served as a National Registry examiner at the local technical colleges where he helped to certify many new Emergency Medical Technicians & Paramedics.

Dennis also serves on the board of directors of the Cryonics Institute and has also served as its president for the last 10 years were he has brought together his knowledge and experience from emergency medicine to the field of cryonics. He will be speaking today about some of the most common problems people face in cryonics and discussing some of the practical solutions to those problems. For more info go to

About Max More ~CEO of Alcor Life Extension Foundation:

An internationally recognized advocate of the effective and ethical use of technology for life extension and cryopreservation, Dr. More brings experience in running non-profit organizations, many years of analyzing and writing about business organizations, and a long commitment to Alcor’s mission. More joined Alcor in 1986 as its 67th member, founded Alcor-UK (originally Mizar Limited) in the same year, and has participated in several cryo-preservations. Dr. More co-founded and until 2007 acted as Chairman of Extropy Institute, an educational non-profit organization that created the modern “transhumanist” movement, whose goals centrally include extending healthy human life span. More has a degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from St. Anne’s College, Oxford University (1984–87). He was awarded a Dean’s Fellowship in Philosophy in 1987 by the University of Southern California. He studied and taught philosophy at USC with an emphasis on philosophy of mind, ethics, and personal identity, completing his Ph.D. in 1995, with a dissertation that examined issues including the nature of death, and what it is about each individual that continues despite great change over time. Marvin Minsky, “the father of artificial intelligence”, said of Dr. More: “We have a dreadful shortage of people who know so much, can both think so boldly and clearly, and can express themselves so articulately.” For more info go to

About Dr. Mike Perry ~ The Venturists:

R. Michael Perry, Ph.D. is a patient caretaker at Alcor. He was hired by Alcor in 1989 following two years of volunteer work at the Foundation. He monitors Alcor’s dewars, provides facility surveillance during off-work hours, and performs writing tasks and computer programming. He has authored or contributed to the automated cooldown and perfusion modeling programs and has maintained the patient log books for many years. He is a regular contributor to Alcor newsletters. He has been a member of Alcor since 1984.
Mike is a Director and an ordained minister of the Society for Venturism and performs wedding ceremonies and memorial services for this IRS-recognized, scientific and religious organization. He is also a co-founder and current president of the Society for Universal Immortalism, a group dedicated to the hope that all persons who ever lived will eventually be resurrected through scientific means. He has authored two books: Toward Self-Optimization of Machine Intelligence (Ph.D. Thesis) and Forever for All: Moral Philosophy, Cryonics, and the Scientific Prospects for Immortality. Prior to his Alcor experience, Mike authored or co-authored several journal papers and technical reports on computerized tomography, for applications ranging from medicine to solar physics. Mike authored Suspension Failures: Lessons from the Early Years, and coauthored On Determining the Electron Density Distribution of the Solar Corona from K-Coronameter Data, Improved Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Electron Density Distribution of the Solar Corona,Computerized Multi-Angular Tomography, Software Aid for Optimizing 0–1 Matrices, and The Anti-Death Philosophy Of NF Fedorov.

About Ben Best ~ Oregon Cryonics:

Ben Best has been a cryonics activist since the 1980s when he helped incorporate the Cryonics Society of Canada. Ben Best was President of the Cryonics Institute for nine years and is currently Director of the Biomedical Research and Longevity Society (formerly called Life Extension Foundation) which is the world’s leading source of funds for cryonics-related research. Ben Best will present on Oregon Cryonics, despite not being affiliated with that organization. For more info about Oregon Cryonics go to

About Christine Gaspar — Quality Assurance in Cryonics:

Christine Gaspar has a background in emergency/trauma nursing and also served in the Canadian Armed Forces. She lives near Toronto, Canada. Christine is the president of the Cryonics Society of Canada, advocating for local cryonicists and is helping to build an infrastructure in Canada to support cryonics standby efforts. She participated in the Alcor Southern California standby team. She has appeared in press interviews; on TV, radio and internet media on cryonics related matters as well as a guest lecturer at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She is a writer who has contributed essays and articles in support of cryonics and transhumanist philosophy. Christine served as a contractor for Alcor; writing, editing and examining case reports, contributing towards a Quality Management system within the organization. She has currently been offered a position at Suspended Animation Inc, a BRLS contractor, as a technical writer. For more info go to

About Ryan Levesque ~ Suspended Animation:

Ryan Levesque is the Client Services and Donor Recovery Manager at Suspended Animation Inc. for the past 2 1/2 years. Began his medical career as a Field Corpsman for the United States Marines with a tour to Fallujah, Iraq. Challenged the Nursing Board of California to obtain his nursing license, and has worked in the Oncology field for over 5 years. For more info about Suspended Animation go to

About Sayer Johanson ~ Suspended Animation:

Sayer Johanson has been the operations manager for Suspended Animation Inc. for the past two years. He has been a standby and stabilization team lead with SAI for the past five years. For more info about Suspended Animation go to

About Rudi Hoffman ~ Master of Ceremonies of Cryonics Symposium International (CSI) and Founder of Hoffman Planning:

Rudi Hoffman is a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Life Underwriter, and Chartered Financial Consultant with forty years of experience. As an independent consultant, he serves the needs of the clients first. Using a deep understanding of what actually works in the real world to help humans accomplish their financial goals, not just theory, Rudi brings advanced financial planning into the world of extreme longevity. For more info

About Neal VanDeRee ~ Church of Perpetual Life:

Neal VanDeRee is the Officiator at the Church of Perpetual Life. His passions include making new friends that will last a lifetime. Since he is an Immortalist, that means the relationships would be for over 500 years. He is a father of 7 and in addition to running the church also operates the VanDeRee Real Estate & Auction Company which was founded in 1934 by his father. He is a Cryonicist and enjoys Scuba diving, coaching soccer, playing games with his children, reading Sci-Fi. He is an avid writer and photographer and is joyfully married to Paula, spending time between Venice & Hollywood Florida. For more info go to

About Bill Faloon~ Life Extension Foundation:

Bill Faloon compiled the 1,500-page medical reference book Disease Prevention and Treatment and his latest books are Pharmocracy and Pharmocracy II: How Corrupt Deals and Misguided Medical Regulations Are Bankrupting America — and What to Do About It. He is also the Director and Co-founder of the Life Extension Foundation. To promote Life Extension’s innovative medical concepts, Bill has been featured in hundreds of media appearances including The Phil Donahue Show, The Joan Rivers Show, Tony Brown’s Journal, ABC News Day One, and Newsweek magazine. For more info about Life Extension Foundation go to



Tonya Scholz

#SocialMedia #Communicator #Broadcaster #Entrepreneur #NewsCurator living the #LifeExtension Lifestyle in #SouthFL