The Future of QR Codes: A Mathematical Perspective on Infinite Potential

3 min readJan 14, 2024


Infinite QR Codes


In the ever-expanding digital realm, QR codes have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives, finding utility across diverse industries. As their prevalence grows, an intriguing question surfaces: Will QR codes ever run out? Let’s embark on a journey exploring this query, delving into the mathematical essence of QR codes.

Understanding the Mathematical Landscape:

At its core, a QR code is a two-dimensional matrix barcode, a digital pattern that defies the constraints of physical resources. Unlike tangible assets, QR codes can be generated and replicated endlessly. The mathematics behind QR codes is a testament to their boundless nature.

The formula Total Possibilities = 2^(Number of Modules^2) underscores the binary foundation of QR codes. Even the most modest version, Version 1, with a 21x21 matrix, unveils an astronomical number of possibilities, showcasing the virtually limitless space these codes inhabit.

Technological Evolution and Adaptability:

Yet, the heart of the matter lies in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. Advancements in encoding methods may emerge, potentially rendering existing QR code standards obsolete. This doesn’t signal a depletion but rather an evolution in form and function.

Furthermore, the context in which QR codes find utility may pivot as emerging technologies introduce alternatives or enhancements. While QR codes retain their versatility and reliability for information retrieval and data storage, certain applications may shift towards newer, more advanced technologies.


In conclusion, the notion that QR codes will run out is dispelled when viewed through the lens of mathematics. Their abundance is practically infinite. However, the future holds the promise of change as technological evolution introduces novel solutions. As we navigate this dynamic landscape, it’s both fascinating and thought-provoking to anticipate the trajectory of these pixelated patterns that have seamlessly embedded themselves into our digital journey.

Frequently asked questions

1. Q: Can QR codes really be generated indefinitely?

A: Yes, QR codes are essentially digital patterns represented by a two-dimensional matrix barcode. Unlike physical resources, they can be generated and reproduced endlessly, theoretically presenting an infinite number of possibilities.

2. Q: What determines the total number of QR code possibilities?

A: The total number of QR code possibilities is determined by the size and complexity of the matrix. The formula Total Possibilities=2Number of Modules2Total Possibilities=2Number of Modules2 captures the binary nature of QR codes, where each module can be black (1) or white (0). Even the smallest version, Version 1, with a 21x21 matrix, results in an astronomical number of possibilities.

3. Q: How does technological advancement impact the future of QR codes?

A: Technological advancement may lead to the development of new encoding methods, potentially rendering existing QR code standards obsolete. While QR codes won’t run out in a literal sense, their form and function may evolve with emerging technologies.

4. Q: Could emerging technologies replace QR codes for certain applications?

A: Yes, emerging technologies might introduce alternatives or enhancements that surpass the capabilities of QR codes for specific applications. In such cases, the use of QR codes in those domains might decrease, not because they have run out, but because newer, more advanced technologies have taken their place.

5. Q: Are QR codes still relevant in our tech-driven society?

A: As of now, QR codes remain a versatile and reliable tool for quick information retrieval and data storage. Their simplicity and ease of use have contributed to their widespread adoption. However, the future is dynamic, and technological innovation is unpredictable.

6. Q: Can QR codes become obsolete in the future?

A: While QR codes themselves won’t run out, they might face changes in relevance as technology evolves. The blog suggests that their role in our tech-driven society may undergo changes, and the future could introduce novel solutions that outshine QR codes for certain purposes.

7. Q: Is there a limit to the number of QR codes that can exist?

A: Mathematically, the space of QR codes is so vast that it is essentially infinite for all practical purposes. The formula for calculating possibilities demonstrates the virtually boundless nature of QR code generation.

8. Q: How can QR codes coexist with emerging technologies?

A: QR codes can coexist by adapting to technological changes. While new technologies may emerge, QR codes can still serve specific purposes, and their simplicity might make them a continued choice for certain applications even as technology evolves.




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