How to Write 30 in Roman Numerals

Knowledge Glow
4 min readJan 5, 2023


The Roman numeral for 30 is “XXX”.

Write 30 in Roman Numerals?

If you wants to write 30 in Roman Numerals, it has to be written in expanded form, i.e.

30 = 10 + 10 + 10

30 = X + X + X

30 = XXX

How Do You Read 30 as Roman Numerals

To read the Roman numeral “XXX” as the modern numeral 30, you can follow these steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the values of the Roman numerals. The values for the Roman numerals are as follows: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, and M = 1000.
  2. Break down the Roman numeral into its individual numerals. In this case, the Roman numeral “XXX” consists of three individual numerals: “X”, “X”, and “X”.
  3. Add the values of the individual numerals together to get the final value. In this case, the value of “XXX” is 10 + 10 + 10 = 30.

Therefore, the Roman numeral “XXX” can be read as the modern numeral 30.

How Is 30 Converted to Roman Numerals?

To convert the modern numeral 30 to Roman numerals, you would write “XXX”.

Here’s how you can remember how to convert modern numerals to Roman numerals:

  1. The Roman numeral for 1 is “I”.
  2. The Roman numeral for 5 is “V”.
  3. The Roman numeral for 10 is “X”.
  4. The Roman numeral for 50 is “L”.
  5. The Roman numeral for 100 is “C”.
  6. The Roman numeral for 500 is “D”.
  7. The Roman numeral for 1000 is “M”.

To write a modern numeral in Roman numerals, you can use these rules:

  1. If a numeral is equal to or greater than 1000, you can place a “M” in front of it for each 1000. For example, 2000 is written as “MM” and 3000 is written as “MMM”.
  2. If a numeral is between 900 and 999, you can write “CM” in front of it. For example, 900 is written as “CM”.
  3. If a numeral is between 500 and 899, you can write “D” in front of it for each 500. For example, 800 is written as “DCCC”.
  4. If a numeral is between 400 and 499, you can write “CD” in front of it. For example, 400 is written as “CD”.
  5. If a numeral is between 100 and 399, you can write “C” in front of it for each 100. For example, 300 is written as “CCC”.
  6. If a numeral is between 90 and 99, you can write “XC” in front of it. For example, 90 is written as “XC”.
  7. If a numeral is between 50 and 89, you can write “L” in front of it for each 50. For example, 80 is written as “LXXX”.
  8. If a numeral is between 40 and 49, you can write “XL” in front of it. For example, 40 is written as “XL”.
  9. If a numeral is between 10 and 39, you can write “X” in front of it for each 10. For example, 30 is written as “XXX”.
  10. If a numeral is between 9 and 9, you can write “IX” in front of it. For example, 9 is written as “IX”.
  11. If a numeral is between 5 and 8, you can write “V” in front of it for each 5. For example, 8 is written as “VIII”.
  12. If a numeral is between 4 and 4, you can write “IV” in front of it. For example, 4 is written as “IV”.
  13. If a numeral is between 1 and 3, you can write “I” in front of it for each 1. For example, 2 is written as “II”.

Frequently Asked Questions on 30 in Roman Numerals.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Roman numeral for 30:

How do you write 30 in Roman numerals?

To write 30 in Roman numerals, you would use the numeral “XXX”.

Is 30 a composite number in Roman numerals?

No, 30 is not a composite number in Roman numerals. It is represented by the single numeral “XXX”.

What is the value of the Roman numeral XXX?

The value of the Roman numeral XXX is 30.

How do you add and subtract with Roman numerals?

To add with Roman numerals, you simply combine the values of the numerals. For example, to add “X” (10) and “V” (5), you would write “XV” for a total value of 15. To subtract with Roman numerals, you use the rule of “subtraction only when necessary.” This means that you can only subtract a smaller numeral from a larger one if the smaller one is one of the following: I, X, or C. For example, to subtract “I” (1) from “X” (10), you would write “IX” for a value of 9.

Write down the modern numeral equivalent for each Roman numeral.

The values for the Roman numerals are as follows: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, and M = 1000.

Add the values of the Roman numerals together to get the final modern numeral equivalent.

To convert the Roman numeral “XXX” to a modern numeral, you would write down the modern numeral equivalents for each Roman numeral: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30. Therefore, the Roman numeral “XXX” is equal to the modern numeral 30.



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