Geoffrey Chaucer: a hero and a lunatic

2 min readNov 22, 2021


Now, those who read history of English Literature might be aware of this literatt figure. He was “different” than his contemporaries. He had many transitions in his life. I cannot even imagine the period he was born and grew. 14th century is marked with tragedies. 100 years war, Peasants’ revolt and the black death made life miserable.

Chaucer, the genius, had beem under an influence of English,French, and Italian literary languages. He was intelligent enough to squeeze out every opportunity to learn in the era of horror. He chose to write in a way so as to criticize old traditions, according to which the subject of the writing would be the only Heroes, god, knights or warriors. The standards were so high that the common man could not read a word.

Chaucer,indeed chose to write in East Midland dialect or London dialect. He kept in his mind that if he wanted to make his word available to large audience, he should use simple language so he restrained himself from using the flowery words. He employed simple language in ironic tone, so that the comman man could understand him. Furthermore, through his humorous tone he actually exposed rhe corruptions of church and the merchant class. The subject of The Canterbury Tales is middle-class people. He presente a clear picture of that society. His ideal is the knight who is modest yet sophisticated man.

Another reason why I consider him a lunatic, because he was a misogynist. His portrayal of THE WIFE OF BATH shows that he does not trust a woman’s nature. To him,a woman is unfaithful. This woman is actually a business person. Her business is expanded to two continents. She is a major contributor to the church. But, our intellectual Chaucer only sees one aspect of her nature- that she has been married 5 times, she also has a lover giving the impression that she is a seductive woman.

