Do Reading Statistics Inform My Reading?The only advantage to becoming obsessed with reading so late in my life is that I have been able to track all the books I have read…Aug 30, 2018Aug 30, 2018
How Frankenstein Changed My LifeTwo hundred years ago, a book was published that literally changed my life. It is very rare to say that a book could have such a life…Aug 30, 2018Aug 30, 2018
Organising Your Personal LibraryRecently I have been thinking about building the perfect library; this was due to a collection of essays I was reading called The Library…Feb 14, 2017Feb 14, 2017
Understanding my Fascination with Russian LiteratureI am not entirely sure where my interest in Russian literature came from. I think it started with a fascination with the Cold War, which…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
The Good Place and EthicsI discussed the moral dilemma in the HBO television show Westworld, and I have since discovered a show that looks at ethics. The Good Place…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
Violent Delights: My Thoughts on WestworldOne of the age-old questions that gets asked in science fiction revolves around artificial intelligence (AI). In particular, the…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
Existence Procedes Essence: Understanding ExistentialismWhen thinking about the term existentialism, a quote by Jean-Paul Sartre may come to mind; “existence precedes essence”. This was a…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
Down the Non-Fiction Rabbit HoleThe quote by Socrates “The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know” has been on my mind for quite some time. There seems to be no…Nov 21, 2016Nov 21, 2016
The Adventures into Krissy Kneen and Incredible Erotic LiteratureSometimes you come across a novel that sounds so weird that you cannot help but consider reading it. For me, while browsing the shelves of…Sep 25, 2016Sep 25, 2016
Can I Make Twilight Sound Interesting?I have a keen interest in literary theory and criticism, I often think it is a dying art form. However for me personally, I think it is a…Sep 23, 2016Sep 23, 2016