Ljubljana Is The Cutest Capital Of Slovenia

Dr Nasir Mehmood (Phd)
3 min readSep 18, 2023

This year was the year I have been living in Europe (before it was my year in Asia too). I’ve been privileged to visit 15 of the amazing capital cities. But my favourite is still the same as this time last year. The charming, fun and underrated European city in beautiful Capital Of Slovenia, Ljubljana.

slovenia capital

Just a few minutes away from the breathtaking natural beauty of Lake Bled, which by now is making it onto the top stream Europe destinations list, you could conveniently visit both on a weekend.

Why do I like it so many times? What is it that makes it my preferred capital city? Why you should begin to research getting to and from Ljubljana yourself on your next trip.


I’m able to spend my days in Europe walking through tiny alleyways or looking into shops’ windows and enjoying the coffee culture. This city is perfectly perfect for that! It’s not too big and is centered within the river. Some people say its like the small, relaxed Amsterdam I would say that’s great.


Slovenia is an amazing country, not just because of its hospitality as well as the stunning beautiful scenery. The panorama from the top of the castle looking out over the mountains is beyond impressive, especially if caught at sunset.


Once you’re done with your coffee drinking throughout this day and perhaps your sunset beers along the river Ljubljana packs a punch for eating choices. The cobbled streets and outside tables provide a perfect place to savor some of the traditional Slovenian dishes like the famous Bled cake (that is, if you can’t travel to Bled for a real Bled cake.) Visit the market for an enjoyable way to enjoy on some of the local Slovenia sausages.


This is my ideal city for having a little indulgence. Sure, you have plenty of high streets names but along these little streets are some really unique gems. From vintage vinyl shops to tiny boutiques and collectables stores, you could spend hours choosing items that may not be needed but help make your home look a little bit cooler.


The capital city can appear brash attractive, bold and stunning at once however here in Ljubljana you can simply chill out and relax. There are plenty of other places in the vicinity, use this as a base to enjoy Slovenia. It’s definitely a destination top of my list to return to.

Slovenia capital is a great place to visit. It has a lot more to offer and you can easily spend weeks exploring the stunning country. Explore this list of day trips starting from Ljubljana to see just how stunning this nation truly is.



Dr Nasir Mehmood (Phd)

Dedicated writer on Medium (@knowledgge), specializing in UAE travel. Providing insights, events, and tips for Dubai travelers. Let's explore together! 🌍✈️